suljinnWii's forum posts
Whether or not they actually matter, the fact they exist make online really addictive to me, haha. I keep telling myself "I just have to break even and I'll stop playing." *20 rounds later; still playing*
How does everyone feel about the new Nintendo Channel? Personally I think it's pretty cool; I downloaded the Ninja Giaden demo for the DS this morning just to test it out and I was pretty impressed. Granted, it's not something I plan on jumping on everyday, but for what its for I think its a great idea. What do you guys think?
The online aspect really doesn't affect me that much; Rock Band is mostly about having friends over to play with anyway, otherwise you'd essentially be wasting your money on the other instruments you have laying around. If you want online rockage for the Wii, just buy Guitar Hero :)
As stated upove, there is a lot of talk about a HDD being presented at E3 this year, which would be the smartest thing on Nintendo's part - even if they made it like an external USB type of thing.
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