Guitar Hero is very addictive, especially in multiplayer (and even more so when you have friends there playing with you). If you've got the money, it would be worth it to invest in two guitars.
It just wouldn't make sense for them to [become 3rd party], especially right now while they're so successful. And plus, this isn't like Sega; Nintendo has been producing consoles/software for over 20 years, and they have the technical and marketing skills to prove it. I dont see Nintendo going anywhere for a while.
If I remember correctly, the Wii is capable of up to 720p with the right cables - which in short means that while its not crystal clear 1080p, there is a degree of high definition support which will sharpen things up a bit (assuming you have an HDTV)
Believe it or not, I enjoy the Wii mostly because of it's versatility: the news channel, weather, virtual console, backward compatibility, ect.
Sure, it's got some awesome titles going for it (thats a given :P), but I mostly like the fact that its capable of much more - and without feeling gimmicky
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