"I think there’s a question as to whether he would have driven in his mother’s car in the first place if he didn’t have access to a weapon that he saw in video games that gave him a false sense of courage about what he could do that day," Murphy said.
The larger question is, could he have even driven a car at ALL, without the "programming" that Gran Turismo 2 provided him, back in the day?
Heck, how did he even know he had a mother, without learning about parenting while playing The Sims?
"New in stores! Nyko's ID Resetter! Use it to reset the use permission tag between user accounts and games."
GameStop sales flourish. I can still bring my new games to a friends house for use on their consoles. Or sell a game at a garage sale, over ebay, etc. Or do whatever I WANT with the games, since they're...you know...MINE.
@Lucy Bradshaw...you're not fooling anyone with a technical background. Spin it however you want. "always online" DRM is not for the benefit of the gamer. It never is.
We're talking about network usage, and hard drive writes...which can, do, and should be done in the background. Think about if Windows could only update while you weren't using it. Or any of the myriad apps on your phone.
sundown19's comments