@desperate001 @sundown19 I'm not sure any game I've completed since FFX has touched me like the ending of FFX did.
2 things:#1 - Are people still bitching and moaning about there not being a female lead?#2 - 100 hours? I guess (as per usual) most people won't finish it.
"What's changing is that there's more digital sales," Guillemot said.Isn't it cheating to say this when your game is a digital-only release?
PS Executive: "Why don't more people buy the PS Vita?"Gaming Public: "Because so many of your games get the HD treatment on a system we already own...PS3."I'm glad I didn't buy a PSP for God of War. NOW I'm glad I didn't buy a Vita for Liberation.
@RainIsMyDrug @sundown19Sorry, but when compared to other video game news sites, it reads like bias.Kotaku's current top 3 Nintendo stories:http://kotaku.com/tag/nin-ten-do"All These People Are Waiting to Play the Remastered Wind Waker at PAX""Mighty Switch Force 2 is Following its Predecessor Onto Wii U""Batman's Next Portable Game Has Some Castlevania, Metroid and Mega Man"Gameinformers current top 3 Nintendo stories:http://www.gameinformer.com/news.aspx"The 2DS Is Cooler And Smaller Than Expected""The Legend Of Zelda Now Available On Wii U Virtual Console ""Skylanders: Swap Force For 3DS Gets Unique Characters"The Penny Arcade Report:http://penny-arcade.com/report/"Hands on with the 2DS: It’s surprisingly not terrible""Assault Android Cactus is coming to PS4, Vita, Wii U, Steam, and you can play an early version now""The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD’s early launch on digital is a smart, forward-thinking move"Gamespot News:http://www.gamespot.com/news/index.html"Nintendo 2DS launching October 12""Nintendo on Minecraft's absence from Wii U, 3DS ""Nintendo says no Ambassador Program following Wii U price cut"
Dear Gamespot,Instead of continually reminding us of Nintendo's slights against us, whether they be real or imagined, it'd be nice to hear some positive things once in awhile. It ain't all bad on the Nintendo front.
sundown19's comments