What an underwhelming year!
2009 saw the completition of the holy trinity... being... finally owning all three games I had originally bought my 360 for. 1) Sonic 360 (in retrospect I really wish I hadn't) 2) Halo 3 and 3) Resident Evil 5. So! Let's kick off my game's review of the year!!
Things started off good. I went into th new year with Lego Batman and Spiderman: Web of Shadows, following on from December. The first game I bought for 09 was Gears of War 2, which was very good. Banjo Kazooie (which was also released in 08) surprised me with it's off-the-wall gameplay and challenging levels. In Feb I bought Halo Wars which was my first dabble in RTS... which was fun to say the least..but quickly was overshadowed by Resident Evil 5's release.
Let's take a look at RE5 for a moment. I enjoyed this game. A lot. It's not one of my favorites, but, it was the first game, apart from Oblivion, that I've actually attempted to get all achievement points with (and why I won't play this game online ever again.. so my perfect score isn't ruined with the added points from the "add-on"). I got about a month worth of gameplay out of this gem... which is pretty good for a game that ended up only taking me 4 hours to finish. Go speed runs!
So after RE5.. not much really happened. Sure, game's were released.. such as F.E.A.R 2 and DBZ Burst Limit... but they weren't worth the money... so opted to rent them. I also rented the two previous Call of Duty games, which I greatly enjoyed.. and made myself swear I would at some point play Modern Warfare 2.
The middle of the year was quite dire to say the least. I barely played my 360, and i hardly even played games. Sure, game announcements were plentiful in the middle of the year, but it ws mostly for games coming out next year... or at least, speculated release dates (hi Mass Effect 2).
So. With so few new games hitting the stores, I looked back at older, cheaper games to amuse. I bought both Bully and Marvel Ultimate Alliance. I hated MUA a lot... so much I literally gave it away. Bully was cool, but felt it's age.. and as I played it more.. my interest started to wade.
Things picked up towards the latter half of the year, where, I got around to getting into new games such as, Transformers 2. Much like the film it's based on, this game was just time filler. But it was fun. And an improvement over the last one. Ptototype was awesome. But felt a lot like Spiderman WOS that I had played eariler in the year.
As the months rolled on, I got more and more excited about the TRUE hit of 2009. Batman Arkham Asylum was quickly becomming a fanstastic game and I couldn't wait to play it. For the entire year I had dodged most of the press coverage on it, not wanting it to be spoiled. But there was one game that I could spend time with before Batman's release.
Tales of Vesperia was an incredible gaming experience. I played the demo after hearing about it online, and was hooked. 100 plus hours later, and I had convinced myself I had played my top game of 09. But wait, Batman came out just around the corner.
To say Batman AA was near perfect would perhaps be foolish.. but.. it kinda is. The gameplay is great, the graphics are awesome, and it's everything a Batman, no, a comic book game should be and is. My time with AA was short.. since it didn't take much to finish it... but that time was spent playing a truly epic game.
Then. Nothing. Games dried up. Sure, Halo ODST. Brutal Legend. Forza 3. and others all came out. But, my lack of funds, depsite working all the time, and the end of my Uni degree all prevented my from wasting my cash and playing constantly. So.. from September to November, I really didn't play until I got Dragon Age: Origins. This game is EPIC. 2 months I have been playing this Bioware game, and I'm ALMOST done. Sure I've finished the game several times, but I nearly have all points for it!
In terms of releases, 2009 was pretty boring. The later part of the year had some epic releases, but sadly I've been unable to play most of them. 2010, as everyone knows, is shaping up to be one hell of a year, so see everyone next year!
Now. For my pitch for game of the year. In my opinion, Batman Arkham Asylum is the clear winner. Doing something with a comic
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