@bledsoe45sbc @kyosukeugc @FAIL_TR0LL oh everyone knows politiceans are all crooked bastards this guy just found out and is upset about it. dont worry he will calm down when he learns there are ways of living an enjoyable life in spite of our "leaders " screwing things up.
Like many people from the older generations my dad grew up watching john wayne movies and he never went around shooting people. How does adding more gore to the violence thats already there make it more imatatable?
I am impressed, I originally thought this guy was a "snob" as he put it but now that I heard him say "it takes all kinds" I imediately changed my tune. I like that way of thinking a serious story is ok and funny story is ok action is ok and comedy is ok drama is ok and mindless silly or corney is also ok. its all good
@Helixia I wish heh heh, unfortunately those that do are very few and most of them don't purchase the games they just play their (brothers fathers boyfriends games)
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