@1RazvanClaudiu yes very true and these tablet games constantly try to get you to spend more money. its easy to sell your game for 2 bucks when its low quality and they constantly try to trick players into spending more money.
@dsvsdvsv @acelogan1989 I had ipads freeze on me while using the browser hell ive had $3000 new pc freeze while using the browser. As for black spots well its known that high end screens are easily damaged . If it freezes like an other system you can force a reboot. simply hold down the power for 30 seconds or more it will open up a system menu from there you can force a restart or even return to factory settings
@edinko @TohouAsura plays ps1 games and its portable yeah that's called a psp and its a lot cheaper than 250. plus you can get a vita for 250 and that thing is the most powerful portable handheld device on the market. Hell even a 3ds would be better than this thing.
@edinko @TohouAsura lol it plays ps1 games you say ouuuuuu (sarcastic tone) yeah that's called a psp and it's a lot cheaper than 250 . plus you could get a vita for 250 and play ps3 quality games. hell even a 3ds is better than this thing.
@toddx77 we had two god of war prequels and they both where on the psp and both rocked. after 3 it felt like the series had ended. i guess we need a break from this series before they release another one. i plan on gettingt this new one but not for another year or so
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