@Ishiban yeah they did kind of save it and don't worry unless its first party exclusive never means exclusive forever. Just look at no more heros on the wii.
@Scorpion1813 No it's elitist thinking like yours that is holding gamming back. All other forms of entertainment use VARIETY of styles comedy serious dramatic action campy. You can go and say games should only be serious we need games like heavy rain AND lollipop chainsaw.
just played the demo for part 2 while it has an eco of dw its not the same exact game. it is mindless fun but fun non the less. I recommend it for the fans
@TommyBarban @honorr I can see what he means there seems to be limited variety in voice styles in anime (although there is far more variety now than there was in the 80's and 90's. still you will get a lot of repeat voice types. big burly guy gonna have the same voice tough old man gonna have the same voice . the sultry woman tends to have the same voice. at the very least in English there will be a bit of variety. plus English dubs have improved as of late.
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