I've done a lot of thinking on this myself and came to the conclusion that Raiden has always been a cyborg, for at least the time we knew him. I know it sounds crazy right now but before you go on to the next post please read this.
I just went back and played MGS2 a couple of days ago. I didn't catch it immediately but Vamp lets you know that Raiden is different than a normal human. This happens in the cutscene of the first boss fight with Vamp. After Vamp dodges a couple of shots from Raiden and gets nicked on the face, he notices that he's not normal. quote,
"I thought so. Human muscels are quite eloquent. They speak out clearly what a person's next move will be. They even tell me which way a gun is going to be pointed before the trigger is pulled. But you're muscles, they're different. This should be fun." Vamp MGS2.
Okay, Vamp knows for a fact that he can read human muscles with no problem. He's been using this ability to dodge and kill people left and right. Raiden sure looks human, he acts human, but for some reason Vamp can't read his muscle movements like he can a normal human's. Why?, well Raiden doesn't have human muscles, he has cyborg muscles.
Here's the clip of the cutscene, copy paste. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAHjpdGNZpA&feature=related
Now here is where I believe Raiden became a cyborg. I caught this after Olga knocked Raiden out and he wakes up in front of Ocelot and Solidus on the torture table. Solidus, the antagonist of MGS2, raised Raiden in Africa. Solidus talks about their past together and tells Raiden he was the best child soldier in his battalion. After the war was over Solidus told Raiden that he went searching for him in refugee camps but couldn't find him. Solidus later said, "I should have know that they would recruit you". When Solidus said "they" I'm pretty sure he was talking about the patriots. Because Raiden was so close to Solidus, the patriots kidnapped him and got as much infromation as they could. I imagine things like Solidu's activites and bases of operations. Since Raiden was such an excellent solider the patriots may have wanted to expand on his abilities. They may have done experiments which eventually lead to Raiden becoming a full cyborg save his head and spinal cord.
I imagine Kojima is going to shed more light on Raiden's story in later installements. I for one hope so, because you can't have something that big and not explain.
No, thats not it. I don't remember exactly what happened but it is explained in the MGS Database
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