@G4mBi7: $500 as a backer price, for all that, would make sense to me. as the prices are, in my opinion, a bit high since you are suppose to be able to get every thing in game. there is not suppose to be a pay wall
now taking into consideration this game is not supposed to be a, "pay to win", formula. which if you ask me is already not true, why because there are what... a little over 1 mill in backers, minus a bit for multi account backers, so its very likely at launch you are going to run into people with better ships than what the default ship will be.
now i know elite dangerous did a similar, "sell ships thing," i don't believe you can still buy ships now that its been launched. anyway in order to not piss off the backers, the cost of the best ships is high, it takes hundreds of hours of play to get them. i have an "asp" almost maxed out with top tier parts and a "type 7 heavy" for space trucking :P and they are just mid range ships. so yeah these are just some hints at how it could be.
Persistent Universe + quality ship + trilogy = $500 as a retail price for the product, i don't think so. i'd guess no ship, copy of SQ42 part 1, at about $90 and that would include starcitizen's Persistent Universe. then part 2 for $60-$80, same for part 3. might even be less depending on if they are, "mass effect size" sequels or just big expansions to the first
@G4mBi7: if what you say is true it would be grounds for concern, i don't believe a word of it tho. i have faith that a great game is coming. that said i have nothing to worry about as i have not backed the game, but i will happily buy the special edition with all the extra bull shit for full price on launch day.
also that first year of dev time doesn't really count. i would be surprised if any of the work done then is even in the game now, more then likely it was all concept stuff, and was ripped apart and built back up into something else or scraped entirely
@nikon133: makes sense, all the caveats and concessions, that MS and sony would have to bend to is very unlikely. although i have to wonder the game could run on them as it is now, albeit at a lower settings, but how will the finished game run on them.... i would imagine even a good pc will have trouble during very busy moments.
anyway i can't wait for this game it should be awesome XD
@introvese: if you live up to your handle's definition, its highly likely you would have a hard time getting up the nerve to even leave the house, much less attack another human. :P
@hoyholyhoy: there is an established protocol for internet posting, i learned this the hard way, i have been dog piled my self for violating it.
so now i go out of my way to help those who don't seem to know the rules. also i like to be friendly, because if someone pisses me off i can't smash them in the mouth over it, there is a screen in the way :P
not to mention comments section here at GS can be a very hateful place. so i try not to add to it. however, i have failed many times :(
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