@vigariox: hey buddy :) i wouldn't pay any mind to what he says i have butted heads with him before his arguments are foolish at best.
"generic story line" right.... saving the daughter of the king sure that sounds generic, but saving her from inter dimensional traveling elves (the wild hunt) oh yes i've heard that one before o.O
"only craft something once" sure.... lets forget that each bomb, potion and armor has many up grades to it, that require you collect said stuff and other stuff to make new stuff that you need for the up grades. ok once sure.
and i could go on and on and on about how good of a game it was for me i have 206 hours in and i'm not done the first dlc yet. Fallout 4 baby :P
ok play L.A. noir it has the best facial expression to date i believe
souls games are great. so when did hard games become something WE all love, as most games have been dumbed down so they are not hard or complex?
ok i love hard games and i only broke one controller playing dark souls (it was on its way out anyway tho :P ) that said i would like to see a return of some complexity to all genres of games
cool cyber punk next year that is good news. man i have and will continue to have a lot of good games to play, not like 2013 that was a bad year for me and gaming
@cherub1000: i believe it is already in DS2, you get an item which lets you reset your level to 1 and then put all your levels back just allotted to different specs. so if your char was spell heavy, but you don't want to be anymore, you can re spec so you can be a heavy armor tank or what ever
ok so IMO the story is a big part of the FF games, this one should have that part down. now combat i can see they are using something like what FF15 will be using, might even be the exact same. that said, if the depth of the micro managing is still there then i can see this being a good game.
SuppaPHly42's comments