[QUOTE="ferret-gamer"]Witcher 2 doesn't use tessellation, having that option enabled or disabled would be irrelevant. And as he mentioned right in the original post he plays on 1400x900, A low resolution.
Here is a chart showing the performance differences in Witcher 2:
Now 1400x900 is a lower resolution than 1280x1024, so does his claim really seem that far fetched?
@ What settings is that and can you post a link to the site where that chart were made, are they even using a HD6870?Sorry ofc. It does not use tesselation don't know what I were on about? :? Anyway: I've been trying to replicate a bit above HD6870's performance while recording with fraps, the settings were all max'ed out with the gtx460 OC'ed to 900 on the core and much less agressive OC to the memory the phenom2 X4 is no bottleneck @ 4Ghz, to not have a bottle in the HDD's while recording i have the witcher 2 on the SSD while recording on another larger mecanical 1TB F3 drive.
The results was about 18-20FPS running some different savegames, some dips were even lower. Sure, it's fully possible to obtain a few FPS more (this game flow alot better over 20fps) But holding a steady framerate over 30 feel like a far fetc at this point.
I know people often exsagerate their performance in various games, people claiming running this and that on their cards, usally I let that pass since it's none of my concern but I have been playing witcher 2 alot and many other folks in this thread and if the HD6870 is that much better than all other cards I would start reccomend it over other higer performaing cards.
That would be the end of it I thought, but now theres another problem, I have made these recordings made on the missformantion that the resolution was 1600*900, using a 1440*900 obviously gives a bit better result and the whole thing seems much more real, now testing with 1440*900 the results went up a few FPS more.
I agree that it's possible to run witcher 2 @ almost 30FPS with a gtx460 on a 1440*900 resolution all max'ed out if it's xtreme OC'ed, to be honest im not sure how a HD6870 performs in withcer 2 opposed to a heavily OC'ed gtx460 but my guess is that they would be quite near eachother.
So I have changed my mind, the result's seem quite possible according to my testings, If I had a youtube account I would upload some of the videos but meh... maybe another time. :)
That chart was using a GTX 460, and is directly from Nvidia.
Nvidia, they're a bunch lying bastards! :lol: I know this because I have been testing the game off a GTX460 myself, the only setting this could be even remotely possible is if it runs the low/medium custom settings.
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