I was hoping they would go down with the ship...but now America can look forward to the 8th gen definitely being oversaturated with shooters. You'd think competition would be a good thing for the PS4, but then look at the 6th gen...it didn't matter and we got such a bigger variety of awesome games for the PS2 and because shooters weren't so dominate. It would be great for other countries to be able to bring other genres into the mainstream so more of them (the genres) would get promoted here in America
@Vidpci @swyg I used to think conspiracy theories and such was a load of BS too, that we could trust the government a little more than previously acknowledged. Then the NSA fucked up.
@houshidar Linear or not, if a game is good at its basic core design, it's worth keeping. I used to think that length matters, but as long as you get a full enjoyable experience from a game, it doesn't matter how long it is.
@udubdawgz @swyg The SNES is full of great games that are quite short. LTTP, Super Mario RPG and Super Metroid are all masterpieces that can be played over and over again forever while still offering pretty much the same experience every playthrough. Adding more length doesn't necessarily make a game better. For a lot of games, adding length has hurt the game's quality.
The length isn't the issue, it's how good the game is that is important. You can have replayability, but what good is it if the game isn't more than the sum of its parts? Replayability for a game that isn't enjoyable is little consolation.
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