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Arceus: Towards the Overcome's Spacetime

In casr you are notn yet aware, the 12th Pokemon comes out in Japan this summer. Continuing from where The Rise of DArkrai and Giratina and the Sky Warrior left off, this movie will finsih the Diamond and Pearl trilogy. Known informtastion. The movie is xpected to have the retrn of Dialag, Palkia and Giratina. Heatran is speculated t have some kind of role, and this movie will finally introduce Aceus: the creator and god of all Poekmon

Many years ago, a meteor was hurtling towads the EArth. Arceus destroyed the meteor, but was badly wounded in doing so. Arceus was healed back to his full strengh by Damos. Grateful, Arceus created the Crytal of Life from the 16 parts of his body and gave it to Damos, but he had to return it at a certain point. However, Damos betrayed Arceus and fled, angering Arceus, who then went into a deep sleep and vowed to judge the human race based on Damos's betrayl.

In the present day, Ash Dawn and Brock are visiting the town when a water cyclone begins to destroy eeryone. Damos's descendent, Sheena, plasn to return the crystal, and prays to Dialga to calm the cyclone. However, Plakia and Giratina then appear and the thre begin fighting. In this, Arceus is awaoken prematurely....

Also shonw in the trialer and posters, the three Johto statrers will have some role, as well as the legendary Pokemon Heatran [what about Cresselia, Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf?], and a "Notched-Ear" Pichu. A solar eclipse seems to happen in the trailer, as wellas the dragon trio attacking something casing a nucelar explosion [probably Arceus]

This looks SO EPIC! Arceus is SO going to OWN! And maybe end this idiotic fighting between Dialga, Palkia and Giratina. I mean, dont these guys have anything better to do? Well, the're not very bright going against Arceus. I mean, he's their GOD! Surely he can easily kick the crap out of them if he wants to. Arceus's atttack Judgement seems quite powerful.

This is all coming in Japan thi ssummer. I might watch the Japaneise version online so I dont need to wait for the dub.

Well, A new Pet

On Saturday, we got a cat. It's a cat who has AIDs and was going to be put to sleep. Dont worry, the AIDS cant be spread to humans. I'll still be here to b*tch about 4Kids's horrible dubbing and to continue to sy Rua is the 5th Signer. His name is Bear, and though he's more of my sister's cat, I've grown to like him.

I'nm just really bored, that's why I bothered to make this.

Rant: Judgemental People

There is no reason why I am making this. I just feel like ranting about some kinds of people that make me angry.

I realy dont like people who whine and say something is bad, or is going o suck when they dont give it a chance. For example, 5D's is awesome. It is my favorite show in existance. So I hate it when people say

"Oh, they duel on motorbikes! Wha wha wha! This is going to suck! Wha wha wha"

Alright, if they gave 5d's a chance, they would see how awesome it is. Sure, it isnt like the original Yu-Gi-Oh, but I'm glad because the oringal sucked. And, this is also for things like video games. For Black Knight for example.

" Oh, Sonic uses a sword, wha wha wha! This is going to suck, wha wha wha!"

Okay, I hate how people are saying Sonic games suck just becuase they're 3D and use things like the Werehog and a sword, and want all games to be like the 2D games. Listen people, if you want to live in the Stone Age and play 2D games all day, fine with me, but dont ruin it for us who like the 3D games. And for Wheelie Breakers.

" Oh, they duel on motorbikes, this is gonna suck wha wha wha! They only have 4000 life points, wha wha wha! Cards are diferent then in real life, wha wha wha!"

LISTEN! Just becuase it doesnt follow the rules of real life, doesnt mean it sucks. It makes it DIFFERENT! I look foreward to Wheelie Breakers. I look foreward to something different then cut and copy World Championship series all the time. It makes it more fun. Sure, not as many life points as in real life, ut so what? That doesnt mean it will suck.

In conclusion, I just dont like people like that. Just becuase something is different from what they're used to, they think that automatically makes it bad. Well listen, if you want to live in the past and enjoy what you like foreever, fine. But dont ruin it for the rest of us who like something new and every now and again.

Become the Knight of the Wind

Yesterday, I got the latest Sonic game Sonic and the Black Knight. Black Knight is the second in a game series called the Storybook series, the first being Secret Rings. Black Knight's story is that Sonic is called into the Aruthian mth by a sorceress called Merlina. Arthur has become evil becuase of Excalibur's scabbard, and Sonic must use th legendary sword Caliburn to end the Black Knight's curse and free King Arthur, while battling the Knights Lancelot [Shadow], Percival [Blaze] and Gawain [Knuckles]. But there is more to Merlina then mets the eye?

Gameplay inviolvs swordfighting. You move with the Numjuck and swing the Wiimote to use the sowrd. You can jump and swing for an ariel slash. You can also guard against attacks, which helps against the Knights. Whe you're near a wall, Sonic can thurst the sworrd into a wall to slide, of jump up a waol using the sword.

Overall, Black Knight is a lot of fun. Sure, at times it';s hrd to not hit peasetns when they're enar the evil minoins, guard is hard to use right after a slash, and the story is REALLY short, but it is still an enjoyable game. This game and Unleashed might have just healed the scar caused by 06.

And the Dub Lies to Us Again

For those of you who were watching the English dub of 5D's today [and I really hope you did not. That dub is acrap. You want to watch 5D's, watch the Japaneise version, it is SO much better], I'm afraid you were lied to about who the 5th Signer is.

Currently, in the Japaneise version, the 5th Siinger has yet to be revealed. The only thing pointing Rez to it is he has asevred left arm with the final Dragon Birthmark and his left arm his missing. However, this does not automatically mean it's Rex's arm. Now, there is a LOT more evidence pointing to Rua: his sister is a Signer, the other 4 main characters are Signers, he is shown to have soome connections to the Signers, he was there both times the Crimson Dragon fully appeared, and he has a mechanica dragon called Power Tool Dragon which highly resembles the mysertious "5th Dragon"

In rthe db, as Yusei and Jakc were dueling and the Crimson Dragon appeared. They kept in the scene where Godwin has the severed arm, BUT he states he is the 5th Signer in the dub.

THIS. IS. A. LIE!!!!

There is almost NO evidence pointing towards Godwin, while much more points too Rua. Plus, it cant pysically be Rex. IT CANT! He and his brother Rudger used to be asisstants to Yusei's father before Zero Reverse occured and Rudger died. Now, if this is the accident that severs Rex's arm, surely his brother Rudger would have known of the Dragon Birmthark. And surely he would not allow Rex to walk free if he is the 5th Signer since Rudger is a Dark Signer, and I highly doubt brotherly love exists in a Signer battle. Plus, I believe my reincanration theory is correct. And I can further proove it. What if....sincr Rez is a Star Guardian and protects the secrest of the Signers using Yliaster. If the 5th Signer died in the past, maybe his arm was passe along the Star Guardians to further protect the Signers secrets, but Rex defected and tried to attach the arm to his own and gain it's powers. That would still fit to Rua being the reincarnated th Signer, and his powers have not been reincarnated since the arm is "alive" per say, preerved in a tank.

It fits. It could happen. It's entirely possible. I'm sorry, if it trns out to be Rex after all this time, I will be REALLY, REALLY, REALLY amngry! Just saying, expect someting to happen while Rua is dueling Demak.

I'm just upset that the dubbers coninue to lie us. Just like about Yusei having a fear of insects, Jack using that chip as a trap, Turbo Booster elonging to Rally's fater, Rex getting tired with Akustu, Yanagi have been to the prison at times, the Earthbound Gods being Demon Lords and coming from the Shaodw Realm, Himuro hiding magaines, Bootleg being a store, thre being Trusdale, Phoenix and Atlas leagues, Yusie losing his memory and having to duel Rua to get it back, Ruka having a crush on Tenpei, Ruka willing wanting to go into the Spirit World during her duel with Frank, Rua's mind begin between two worlds in that duel instead of just plain in the Spirit World, YUsei calling Aki beautiful at ANY point, Jack knocking out Rally wit a machine insteado f just punching him, and now Rex being the 5th Signer.

I could go on for 2 hours about how bad this dub is, every bad change, every bad edit, every bad card name, but this isnt that protper thread.

Fishy, but Also Sad

On Saturday night, my older sister won a goldfish at the fair. She named it Steve, and she kept him becuase he was a simplefeeder fish, fish breed only to be fed to other animals. Sadly, Steve died earlier today. Then, I went with her to the pet store to buy new fis: a gold tetra named Lotus, and a neon tetra called Luna [she was going to call it Bella, but I brought up Luna so she canged it]. But sadly, Luna also pased away a few hours ago, a few minutes after we brought her home. I dont understand how, she has a preatty good fishtank. I feel so bad for her, and I feel a little sad too. I kind of made this, becuase I too was disgusted by how they kept the feeder fish. They keep so many of them in a tight tank, they barely have any room t move. Anyway, I also made this as a last tribute to the goldifh Steve and the tetra Luna.

R.I.P Steve and Luna. May you find happiness in the big fishtank in the sky

New Revenge of the Fallen trailer

Recently, a new trailer for the Transformers sequel has come up. It is basically a continuation of the Super Bowl trailer. Some new scenes are shown to be robotic protoforms crashing into Egypt, Sideways runn9ing through a Chineise bulding chased by three robots, an unknown robot smashing his arms into the ground, Sam and his girlfriend, and his new friend Leo hiding from Starscream and Bumblebee attacking him, and more shots of Demolisher...well..demolishing t hings. So far, here is the Autobot and Decepticon roundup.

Optimus Prime, with no change to him. In the trailer, he is fighting an unknown robot can jumping on the Constructicon Demolisher.

Bumblebee, no real change. He is shownattacking Starsccream when he tries o capture Sam.

Ironhide, also rturning.

Ratchet, also returning.

Rumors have cropped up of Jazz returning, but nothing has been confirmed.

Arcee, a new Autobot ith a female personality. She can seperate into three motorcycles. She was going to be in the first movie, but was replaced by Ironhide. She seesm to chase Sideways in a Chineise city.

Twins called Skids and Mudflap. Mudflaop will be the more hyperactiv of the two and have an oversized left arm, turning into a Cheverlot Trax. His twin Skids will be more mature and thinks of himself as the more intelligent, but never shuts up, turning into a Cheverlot Beat. At first, it was stated the twins would combine into an ice cream truck.

Sideswipe, a robot with wheels on his feet [like Bonecrusher from the first movie] and arm blades.

Jetfire, a former Decpticon who joins the Autobots due to his injuries. He turns into a Bl;ackbird. In the trailer, he seems to have a cane and is attacked by Scorponok.

Wheelie, a small radio controlled truck who intiaitally serves the Decepticons because he fears them.

Rumors are Megatron returns as he has a new tank form, but it has been said it is simply a new toy and he will stay dead.

Starscream, returning from the first movie with symbols on his body and with an army.

Barricade, a Decepticon from the first movie who mysterious vanished.

Sideways, an Audi R8 who dashes through a building and is pursued by Arcee.

Scorponok, whoose tail is restored after it was blown off in the first movie.

Soundwave, Megatron's leutenant who turns into a helicopter.

Ravage, Soundwave's minio who looks like a gitnt one eyed cat like ccareture.

A puppet resmlbing Frenzy with a cat like and dreadlocks, possibly Laserbeak, Soundwave's other minion.

6 Constructicons who combine into a huge robot calle Devastator. The 6 Constructicons seem to be Demolisher, Long Haul, Rampage, Mixmaster, Scrapper and Hightower.

A pretender called Alice who stalks Sam.

The Fallen, who turns into a Cybertronian jet and who the movie is named after.

An unknown robot in the trailer that smashes his arms into the ground [possibly a Constructico]

There will be around 40 robots in t he movie. Some turn into weapons, whil eothers resemble Insecticons. Despite popular beliefe, the Dinobots will not be in the movie, but might be ina possible third movie.

Some new humans are going to be Leo, a new friend of Sam and his girlfried, and a new member of Captain Lennox's team.

It looks SO awesome! I cant wait for this movie!

Sick and New 5th signer Theory

I've been feeling sick today, and the last two days. Althogh I went to school on Tuesday and Monday, I ddint want makeup work today [as soe people will most likely know why] so I ttoi today off. I hope i feel better soon, I'm feel compleely crappy. My throats really bothering me and I feel tired and col sometimes.

Anyways, I've been thinking of a new theory to how Rua is Signer #5. It is stated that the present day Signers are reincarnations of the Signers of the past. Basically, Yusei, Jack, Aki, and Ruk are reincarnated from the old Signers. Now, I believe Rua is the 5th Signer. What if he is also a reincarnated soul of a Sgner like his sister? And Godwin is shwon to have that severed arm which bears the Birthmark of the Crimson Dragon's Head. Now, isnt it entierlu possible hat the 5th Aigner died and his oul was reincarnated as Rua, but since the arm remains somehwta "alive", that it ha yet to pass on to the reincarnated Signer. I also think godwin attached the arm to his own [explaining how he cna use it's power and and why his left arm is missing] but couldnt fully use it's power. And maybe the 5th Dragn and Power Tool Dragon resmeblence is because of this: that since the 5th Signer has not fully been reincarnated, Power Tool Dragon is like caught in a robotic shell or soething.

I just cant see anyone but Rua being the 5th Signer.

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Wheelie Breakers Info

Unless you dont know, this is an upcoming Wii game for 5D's called Wheelie Breakers. A Wii exclusive game, it focuses on Riding Duels. There seems to be a story mode. All characters will recieve D-Wheels even guys like Takasu, Aki, and the twins [the twins..sweet. D-Wheels and Riding Duels...double sweet. Able to del the twins on D-Weels in a Riding Duel..triple sweet]. Gaemplay will seemingly involve steering with the Numchuck and dueling with the Wiimote. I am highly antcipating this game. Anyone when it ccomes to us Americans? I know they say it cmes out March 26th, but I'm not sure if that'sAmerican or Japaneise release date.


An Interview With Me

Title may seem wierd, but here's the point. I've seen other peopledo this, I think...

You, the peple of, may ask me questions. These questions can be about anything: my intrests, what I prefer, favorite color, etc. Anything you want to ask, go ahead. Note, I will not answer queations too personal.