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Jesse Wheeler? MG!? WTF?!

Normally I dont make blogs on this. But after hearing this edit, I am so apauled, so disgusted, SO furious, I had to make a blog from this.

In the repsode where the Black Rose Witch appeared,a duelist is battling in the Daimon Area. This duelist sort of looks like Joey Wheeler. 4Kids thought so. They made this completely random duelist Joey's cousin Jesse.

W.....T.....F! WTF!!!!!????

Not only is this stupid, it's uneeded, and it wasnt in the original version. This is the most stupid edit 'v ever heard. This is even dumber then the effing Shadow Realm. In fact, I'm going to rgrade this dub.

Out of 20

Voice acting: -5/5

Music: -3/5

Name changes: -5/5

Censorship: -5/5

Final score for the 5D's dub: -18/20

Eff rthis dub, and eff everything in it. This Japaneise version is SO muhc better. I am now a strictly sub fan.

I am done. Have an effing nice day.

The Fallen?

As many people know, this year, the second Transformers movie, Revenge of the Fallen comes out this year. Featuring the return of Cybertronians like Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Ironhide, Starscream, and Barricade, with new robots being Arcee, the "twins ]looking foreward to these guys]". Jolt, Jetfire, the Constructicons, and Soundwave. Also, like the title wold suggest, this will feature the robort called The Fallen. On wikipedia, I found a teaser poster for Revenge of the Fallen.

Which wont post for some reason. Ah well, you'll find it. Could it be the mysterious and apocolyptic The Fallen? What is his "revenge"?

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Today is Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday. Martin Luther King has done a lot for the good of mankind. He hagd given Adfrican-Americans everyone equal rights to white people. Now, just so you know, I am white but I do appriciate everythint that Doctor Martin Luther has done.

Let's have a brief moment of silence in honor of Martin Luther King

A New Year Dawns: 2008 to 2009

Ah 2008 has ended. And now 2009 begins. There have been many events I have enjoyed thi year.

In T.V, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's started airing.

In video games, the recent Sonic games, Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood and Sonic Unleased came out.

In movies, Madagascar 2 aired.

In real events, th e new election started and Barrack Obama was chosen as predident. Maddie Blaustein, a previous 4Kids voice actor, pased away.

But 09 will bring new tings. Barracks new presidency, Sonic and the Black Knight [a new game] and awesome new movie like Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

Happy Ney Years everyone.

Theory of the 5th Signer

Out of ure boredom, a way to earn points, and I saw someone on another site post a video sharing my views, so I thought I'd share mine: I decided I'd make a blog stating who I believe is the 5th Signer in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's.

Recently, there has been a lot of controversy over who the 5th Signer is in the series Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. However, the top 3 candidates seem to be Rex Godwin, Crow, and Rua [my choice]. Now, I will point out who I think it is, and stat some setbacks for the others.

Rex Godwin- Many people Rex is the 5th Signer. There is some evidence to this.

In episode 20, a spike flies throuh the windo of Re'x booth during the Fortune Cup. Rex catches it with his left hand, and the glow is torn off, revealing a machanical hand. He states to Jack he "lost the arm in an accident"

In episode 26, the Crimson Dragon appeared for real in the stadiun during the final round of the Fortune Cup. Rex, at this stim, is shown to have a severed left arm preserved in a canister, that hasthe Head Birthmark on it.

But there are some flaws [well, to me]

In the first opening, the Head Birthmark is shown to be blue, and Rex's is red

When the severe arm is shown, the Birthmark doesn glow as much as the others.

Rex wasnt transported to the same place as Yusei, Jack, Ak, and Ruka.

Earlier in episode 26, Jeager wants to call off the Frotune Cup since the Crimson Dragon wnt appear without the 5th Signer, and Godwin says "Dont you want to see the Crimson Dragon?" Jeager then happily akss, "The Crimson Dragon Birthmark is complete!" However, it is ambigious if he means the complete Birthmark of the seperate 5. I beleve, it's meant literaly, and tht the Birtmark is an experimental fake, soince he's too lazy to find the last Signer.

Plus I just dont like him

Now let's move one to Crow

Crow is a new character appearing in season 2 of 5D's, staring for the first time in episode 30. For some reason, people think he is the 5th Signer, wen this no evidence and a lot of problems.

Crow was in Satelit at the time of the Crimson Dragon's appearence, and Yanagi said all 5 need to be in the same place.

His monsters dont really fit the 5th Dragon.

The 5th Dragon isnt shown with Crow at any point in the opening or ending

Crow';s cool, but I dont think he's the 5th Signer. Let's move on to who I think it is...

Rua- Ruka's twin brother, and one of the 5 main characters. A lot of the fanbase agree with my theory it is Rua, but I thought I might share who I think it is and they might agree eentally.

Rua is one the five main characters, and ironically, the other 4 are Signers, so i would be dumb if Rua is not te 5th Signer.

Rua's TWIN sister is a Signer, meaning both are descended from the Poepl of the Stars, so Rua also has a chance of being the 5th Signer.

In episode 14, after the Black Rose Witch appears in the Daimon Area and Yusei's Birthmark glows Rua is staring at it in fear and has a vision of Ruka's Birthmark, hinting he has a connection to the Signers.

In episode 18 and 19, Ruka is hypnotied by Proffessor Frank and ger mind is brought into the Spirit World. Oddly enough, Rua's mind is also brought in, onc again hinting he has a connection to the Signers, sinceFrank did it to reveal Ruka as the 4th Signer.

In episode, 26, after Yusei defeats Jack and the Crimson Dragon returns all the Signers to the staium, Rua's expression is I thnik the powers of the 5th Signer remains dormant in him, but he subconciously experiences everything the Signers do, but just has yet to fully realize he is a Signer, or reveal the Birthmark.

Startnig with episode 27, a new season starts, and a new opening and ending replace the old one. In the ending, a shot of the Crimson Dragon and the Five Dragons reveals the appereence of the "5th Dragon". Something interesting is, in this opening, ending, and for this season, Rua is hshown with a robotic dragon called Power Tool Dragon. Now, this cant be a concidence. Both dragons, look VERY alike. In color, eyes, body desgin, and hey're both dragons. Now, you may complain and say Power Tool Dragon is a machine, and not a dragon. To that I say, if it loks like a dragon, sounds like a dragon, and acts like a dragon, guess hat? IT'S A DRAGON!

Also, in episode 30, Ruka has a vision of the 5 Dragons battling the Earthbound Gods. In this, the "5th Dragon" is seen, and not Power Tool Dragon. But, this fight took place in the past, so the way I see it, something could have happend to the 5th Dragon [either it was gravely wounded, or it died, or it simply evolved over time], and it became Power Tool Dragon..

In episode 36, Rua asks Ruka if Power Tool Dragon took part int he ancient battle in her dream, to which she says maybe ir did. Although she admits t Yanagi and Himuro she just saud it to make him happy, I think of it as foreshadowing, and the wirters are trying to cause doubt.

Also in episode 36, Rua is defetae by Divine when he attacksRua directly with Thought Ruler Archfiend, causing Rua to hit the fllor hard and pass out. While Ruka is calling ou to him, before the holograms vanish, Power Tool Dragon is shown looking down at Rua, with Rua reflected in his eye [or at least, I think Power Tool Dragon is a guy]. Now, what this implies, I'm not quite sure, but it means something. Afterall, this implies Power Tool Dragon has a will, and the only other dragon in this series that has been shown with is Ancient Fairy Dragon, which belons to Ruka, who is a Signer.

Rua is my favorite character in this show, and I find Power Tool Dragon as awesome.

Then again, if he's nnot the 5th Signer, I will be preaty disappointed, but I'll still love this show. And if Rua still helps his sister and takes part in the final battle, eh, what's the difference?

And...there you go. Please dont leave spam or insults here, these are my opinions, and nothing will change them. You dont have to agree ith them, I just thought I'd share y opinion

My Birthday

Todday is my birthday! Nothing better then a birthday on a day off from school. However, since I'm going to the orthadondist today [shudders, almost as evil as 4Kids], so my family is celebrating it on Wednsday [shame there wont be a new 5D's episode that day due to New Years]. It feels cool to be a year older. I got everything I wanted for Christmas...except a ggod 4kids dub!

Drum roll

Later everyone.

Merry Christmas

Hi everyone, syrusfan here to wish you a merry christmas. Or happy hannukah. Or kool kwanza.

Ah yes, Christmas. A day for giving and recieving, food and family, and snow and sucky TV specials. But no matter what you think of Christmas as, you cant deny to it is a great holiday.

R.I.P Maddie Blausiten

To anyone who hasnt heard, Maddie Blaustein, a previous 4Kids actor, died in her bed last week.

I bet some of you think I' happy to hear this. Wrong. Even though I say I hate 4Kids, i barely hold any resentment towards the voice actors. Maddie Blaustein used to voice Meowth in pokemon from season and move 1-8. She als o used to voice Sartotrious in GX, and most recently, Rex Godwin in 5D's. Guess that means he'll have to have a recast.

Farwwell Maddie Blaustein, you will be missed. RIP.

The Dark Knight

I finally got around to wacthing it and thought I'd post my thoughts in song.....nah, I'm just kiding.

I had heard a lot of great things aout the movie. I was gtting sick of it, cause I thought "C'mon, how good could a Batman movie be?" But this was...this was...amazing! It was one of the best ovies I have seen in a while.

The acting is preatty good for this movie.

Batman: I think he did a good job as Buce Wayne and Batman. I'm glad he isnt emo about losing his parents in this movie, guess they got that out of the way in the first one. One thing I dont like is how Batman talks in that deep voice, like he;s got something caught in it. Well, at least he tries to disguise himself, all Superman does is remove hi glasses and put on colorful underwear [and yet no one close to Clark Kent recgonises his voice]

Harvey Dent/Two-Face: ?Another great actor Havrey starts out as the guy who can bring great change, and is ating Batman's ex. And it all comes crumbling down when Batman saves him and not Rachael. I thought the aniation for his burnd half was preatty good, and they kept his coin thing. The sad thing is, Two-Face isnt really evil, he just got screwed by society.

Joker: Out of all the actors in this movie, Heath Ldger did the best job as the Joker. He was SO FREKAING MENTAL! He's a completely emotionless nutcase who can kill millions of lives and not care. Insan villans are better then noral ones in my opinion. My favorite sceenes with him have to vbe when he uses the bomb in the guy's stomach to blow his way out, disguises as a nurse and shoots the policeman, and when he smashes the pencil through the guy's skull. And my favorite lines have to be" and "You wanna see me make this pencil disappear?" My dad says he didnt like this Joker since it wasnt like he comics, but screw the comics. If the Joker was an exact copy of the comic, would you want to watch it? No. This Joker was better because he was more gothi and cynical, definitely the best character in the movie. It's a shame that Heath Ledger is no longer with us in this life.

The spcial effects were dead on. The explosions looked really cool looking, espically when Joker was walking away while the hospital blew up [yeah, Joker's the freaking Megazord when it come to causing explosions]. And like I menioned, I liked the burned half of Two-Face.

The music was a;so preaty good. The beackground music was really epic.

The movie's plot and main theme have to do with then line between good nd evil. People even sya "You die a hero, or live long enough to see you become a villan." Joker wasnt even on the line, he isnt good, he isnt evil. Like Alfred said, he just wnats to see the world burn. This happend with Harvey, he was a hero in the eyes of the citizens, before the incident where he became a villan out of rage and sadnes over how unfair life is. This was also shown at the end of the movie when Batman takes the blame for the murders, and Gordon calls him :The Dark Knight"

Overall, I thought it was really good. I'd give it a 10/10. Personally, I think Joker might have worked better with Harley Quinn [i can see one of the lines. "Girl, your almost as crazy as me"] But that's just me. For a third film, I ope they dont recast the Joker cause no one can replace Heath Ledger. I think what might make a good villan for the third movie would be either: Harley Quinn [carrying on for the Joker], Poison Ivy [it might good cool to see the CGI for her controlling the planst], Mr. Freeze [it will be cool [no pun intended] to see how his backstory plays out], or Penquin. Well, what do you guys think.

Before I go, I have one last question.


Happy Thnasgiving everybody. Once again, it's tha time of year for food and family.

Also, I bet you all notcied by new avatar. I finally got a picture that fits's limits.

And also, tomarrow, I'll be making a blog/game review on Sonic Unleashed for the Wii.