t3h_MarK's forum posts
Your problem is vista.baddogjmhNo is problem is something called Intel GMA 950, and that problem sux Your out of luck, you'll to settle for AOE 1,2 or another game, it blows but that's why their dirt cheap
order it online, They don't do those stupid ID check in canada, well unless your 8 and your buying Duke 3D. Try it anyway you might end up with a cashier that doesn't look or caret3h_MarKnot so legitimate ID too is great for these situation
Beer and frozen strawberries, mmmm.
Gummybears are cool too, just about anything is great too
There's a difference between an E6400 and 6600, mainly cache the 6600 has twice the as much, but you can easily overclock the 6600 to the level of a 6700 adn save yourself 250$
[QUOTE="DethZero"]50 turns? That guy must suck =P Stuff I research generally takes anywhere from 5 to 10 turns, and this is the "long research time" setting too. This is one of the most addictive games ever and the expansion makes things even more addicting hehe. Get the gold edition so you can have both the game and exp.Jinroh_basic
you mean you can get to planetary invasion in 10 turns? that's odd....coz i can't, not even with 8 research labs.
you can listen to the fervent fans all you like, folks....but the fact is, whichever tree of technologies you choose to go down to, your investment would only start to yield benefits at its 3rd, sometimes 5th tier, and each tier takes increasingly more amount of turns to research. take the planetary invasion i mentioned for example. Deth, you wanna enlighten us as to how many turns of research to reach there, starting from the very first tier? and oops, you need to build transport ship after that. aww jee.....and another 8 turns to get that ship to the nearest planet. if you can point us to a faster method, be my guest.
it's not hard really, you need to invest at least 50% in Research and build 2 lab on every planet, focusing production on research when you don't have anything good to build is smart too. Also pioneer techs like planetary invasion always take more as they open up new research opportunity. Personally i prefered the approach in MOO3 where you divided research fund between categories.It really sux now but SHELL OUT SOME MONEY NOW and get on with it, get up to date
AGP is dead you have to get a new MOBO with PCIX, that's means new CPU, RAM, Videocard and Maybe HDD
You can find some good barebone kit at Tigerdirect
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