Advertisement, sponsorship (if clan server), or just *i want my own* syndrome.
250$ a month may be pushing it for traditional games like shooters, i run a CS 1.6 & Source server with leftover parts from upgrades. It work wells and doesn't cost me anything, sure it's not uber great compared to the 8-cores Xeon monster but dedicated servers don't need that much.
the 250$ is mostly connection, personally i pay 60$/month for 10mbits and illimited upload/download (which are crucial to dedicated servers)
Might wait for the next generation of card before buying a DX10 part, or two depending on the time. That DX10 is a vista only doesn't really matter to me as Vista (like or not) will become the de-facto standard mainstream OS in less than year.
Don't like Vista get a *NIX and use cedega but that's hazy at best
Too bad DX10 is only for Vista, so I won't be seeing it any time soon. Not until they get all the bugs out.Johnny_Rock
Do you have specific bug in mind or you say that to look smart, i haven't seen many bugs and certainly not one so big that might warren't not getting it just for that.
Price, Overhead, DRM(even though they kinda don't work), WGA are reasons not to get vista, but bugs is not, or maybe it's just me since i have a flawless experience up to now
They'll never get *ALL* the bugs out, just the major ones with time,
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