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tabbikattster Blog

A servey out of boredom.

One of my friends sent this to me. I think that it's from MySpace.

Are you currently in a relationship?​

When you are home alone​do you still​close​the door when you shower?​

​What is your opinion on abortion?​
Pro-choice. There are circumstances when it should be done.

What plans ​do you have for tomorrow?​
School. xP

What do you hate?​
Annoying people.

Do you have a best friend that is a guy?
Yeah, a lot.

Do you have a best friend that is a girl?​
Yeah, I have a lot of those, too.

What was the last compliment​ that you received?​
Someone complimented my drawing or something.

Would ​you rather love with a guarantee of a heartbreak​or never​love at all?
Never love at all.

What are you thinking about​right​now?
How I wish I was happier.

Who was the last person to tell you they love you?
One of my friends.

​What are you going​ to do today​?​
I don't know.

What was the last thing​ you ate?

Who sits next to you in history?​
Wow, that's a bit random. My friend, Dylan does, actually.

What are you listening to?
That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed) by Panic! At the Disco.

What CD is in your stereo?​

What did you do last night​?​
Worked on my health project.

Do you like your music​loud or at a reasonable ​level​?​
Define reasonable.

Are you a beach​or a snowy​mountain person?​
Snow. I can live with being too cold a hell of a lot better than being too hot.

How many houses have you lived​in?:
Technically none. Only one apartment.

Favorite candy​bar?
Don't have one.

Least​ favorite school subject?​:​
Math. I know it's useful, but my teacher is a bit of a dumba*s.

How many pairs​ of shoes​ do you own?​:​
Like 7.

Name one thing​ that is always on your mind: friends.

What are your favorite colors?​:​
Green and black.

Summer or winter?​

Is anyone in love with you?​:​
I don't know.

Favorite color​to wear?​:​
Black. It's simple.

Pepsi​or Sprite?​:​

What colour​is your cell phone​?​
Don't have one.

What was your first​pet?​:​
A goldfish that decided to die two days after I got it. -_-

Ever had braces?​:​

Do looks​matter?​:​
To a certain extent, yes.

Name 3 teachers from high school:​
Mrs. Ree - Health.
Mr. Thompson - History.
Mrs. Davidson - Science.

American Eagle​ or Abercrombie?​:​
Ugh, neither.

How many children do you want?​:​
I don't know.

Do you own something from Hot Topic​?​

Favorite breakfast meal?​:​
Well, I do like waffles, haha.

Ever thought you were in love?​:​

When was the last time you cried​?​:​
A few days ago.

Um, I do like it.

Have you ever called your teacher mommy​?​
WTF? No.

Tabi, Tabbikatt.

Ever called somebody Boo?​:​
Eh, no

Are you happy​ with your life right​now?​:​
Eh, could be better. It's not TOO bad, though.

What year were you born?​:​
1991. Best year ever to be born

Do you own a Backstreet​Boys CD?

McDon​alds or Wendy​s?​

Do you like yours​elf?​:​

Are you closer to your mother or father?​:​

Are you afraid of the dark?​:​
No. I was when I was little, though.

Have you ever eaten​ paste​?​:​
No, not that I'm aware of.

What do you like about​your crush​?​
He's really nice, funny, smart, and helps me when I need it. :)

Do you own a webcam?​:​

Ever broken​a bone?​:​

Are you religious?​:​
No, not at all.

Do you chat on AIM often​?​:​
Nope. I don't even go on AIM.

Pringles or Lays?​:​

Have you ever broke​n someo​nes heart​?​:​
I hope not.

Rugrats or Doug?​:​

Full House​or The Brady​Bunch​?​:​
Full House.

Did you like your high schoo​l guida​nce couns​elor?​:​
He's okay.

Has anyone ever called you fat?​:​
Nope. Quite the opposite, actually. I've been told plenty of times that I look too thin.

Do you have a birth​ mark?​:​

Do you own a car?
Nope, don't even have a driver's licence.

Can you cook?​:​
A few things.

3 things that annoy​you?​:​
People who tell me things I already know. general.

Do you text messa​ge often​?​:​

Money​or love?​:​
I'll take both

Do you have any scars​?​:​
Yes. This one on my left forearm resembles the Star Trek symbol that they wore on their shirts. (The little triangle thing). :lol:
It's from when I dropped my straightener on it.

What do you want more than anything right​now?​:​
To be much happier with my life than I am.

Do you enjoy​scary​movies?​:​
I guess.

Relationships or one night​stands?​:​

Big Red or Juicy​ Fruit​?​:​
Juicy Fruit.

Do you enjoy​greasy food?​:​
Not really.

Have you seen all the Rocky​movies?​:​

Do you own a box of crayons?​
Not anymore

Does your crush​ know you like them?​
I have no idea. He might have a good idea of it, though. Haha.

Who was the last person that said they loved​you?
One of my friends.

Who was the last person that made you mad?​:​
One of my friends.

Who was the last person that made you cry?​:​
Technically, myself.

Who was the last perso​n that made you laugh​?​:​
And a third time: One of my friends.

Who was the last person that you fell for?​:​
A celebrity named Zach Braff. :lol:

Who was the last perso​n that instant messaged you?​:​
One of my friends. (For a fourth time)

Who was the last person that called you?​:​
And fifth time's the charm: One of my friends.

I'm sad... :[

Tonight is the premiere of the last Scrubs episode EVER to air on NBC. :( After over a year of looking forward to watching my favorite show that channel it's just hard to realize that after tonight, no more Scrubs on NBC. (Since appearently, they don't ever air shows anymore after they're gone. Case in point, "Friends", "Frasier", "Will and Grace" :roll: )

Fortunately, however, I heard that it will be getting an eighth season. :D And might be moving to ABC.

This is the main source of my happiness at the moment:

I'm SO happy! Honestly, I could care less where it airs, just as long as it's not over yet. =]

It's a sure go!

So, I've gotten into something different...

Basically, I've been watching a lot of House M.D. lately. I nearly forgot how truly AMAZING it is. I am a loyal Scrubs fan and will always like it more (even if House is more medicine inclined), but I am still IN LOVE with House, here lately. I really wish that it was on more often. =[

Anyways, I got a bit bored and made a couple collages of House:

Tell me what you think of them. :)

Yay for May! =D

Yeah, I'm pretty much gonna say how excited I am that it's FINALLY May. I only have 29 days of school left! =]

Yes, that does make me happy, but at the same time...I don't know... =/ I'm a bit sad about it, as well. I know that I'll see my friends over the summer (hopefully, unless they're all away...again. :roll: ) but it's just a bit weird knowing that my school career is only gonna have two more years after this. (Til college, of course).

I don't even know if that makes much sense, but yeah...

Here's the song that I happen to be listening to right now. Collide - Howie Day

WOOT! 35 to go!/WEIRD weather!

I found out that I literally, have only 35 days of school left. Honestly, it kinda sounded like a lot to me at first, but then I thought of how many days I've spent there and stuff, so yeah...haha.

I'm so excited for the school year to end, that don't be surprised if I talk about it A LOT in the next month or so.

Besides California, I'm not quite sure of what I'm gonna do with myself for 3 months. Oh, well. There'll be time for that later.

Anyways, the weather has been acting so frickin' weird here in Portland! Here it is, the middle--no near the END--of APRIL and it's frickin' SNOWING! Well, it wasn't snow, perse, more like rain mixed with snow, but still, if it wanted to do this, then it should've done it two months ago! It's weird, knowing that last month at this time, it was all sunny and now it's freezing outside.

I don't even like snow all that much, to be truthful. I find that people here get too excited over it and's extremely annoying. :?

Another AWESOME scene. :lol:

It took me long enough...

LOVE this scene. Haha.

For the first time in months, I finally got back into my favorite show. Which, of course, is Scrubs. Okay, so I actually got back into it a couple weeks ago, but I was too lazy to do a blog about it til now. Anyways, I've really liked the 7th season so far. I don't think that it's as brilliant as seasons 1-5 (seson 6 was good, too, but I dunno...just didn't like it as much), but still...Season 7's doing good. :]

Now that I've rambled on about how much I like it, I'm gonna go ahead and show off a few collages that I made when I got bored during spring break. They use icons instead of pictures, but I just find icons easier to work with. Tell me what you think of them. :]

(The first one I made)

(Second one, with all the cast)

(J.D. and Turk! =D)

My favorite Scrubs icon EVER! =]

I can't help but put it on here. They look SO adorable!

Oh, yes, and in my next post, I'm thinking about putting in part of one of the Scrubs fanfics that I'm writing. I know I sound obsessive, which I'll admit that I kinda am, but I started writing them AGES before I did those collages. =P

I feel bad...

Wow. I kinda feel guilty knowing that I never really come on here much anymore... =/

Well, here's a quiz that I found, anyways. Just doing it out of boredom and to let you guys know that I haven't left forever! =]

1. Full name: Tabitha...yeah, all I'm gonna say.
2. Nicknames: Tabi, Tabbikatt
3. Age: 16
4. Eyes: Green
5. Hair: Brown
6. Do u like singing in the shower?: Not really.
7. Birthday: December 10th
8. Star Sign: Sagitarrius
9. Sex: Female
10. Righty or lefty: Righty; though I tend to use my left for everything else (i.e. Eating)
11. Have you ever cheated?: Nope. (Well, in board games, but I'm assuming that that's not what you're talking about.
12. Do you have a car?: Nope.
13. What kinda car do you have/want?: Hmmm...Mustangs are nice. :P
14. Movie: Don't have one.
15. Band/singer: blink-182
16. TV show: Scrubs
17. Actor: Tie between Johnny Depp and Steve Carell. (I can't choose!)
18. Actress: Not sure if I have one.
19. Food: Italian
20. Number: 13
21. Cartoon: South Park (Not really a cartoon I suppose, but close enough)
22. Do you plan on having children?: Maybe.
23. Do you want to get married?: Eventually.
24. How old do you wanna be when you have your first child?: least in my mid-twenties or so.
25. How old do you wanna be when you're married?: Not sure. At least early to mid-twenties, as well.
26. Would you have kids before marriage: No chance in hell.
27. Music/TV: Music.
28. Guys/Girls: Guys. :P
29. Green/Blue: Green.
30. Pink/Purple: Pink.
31. Summer/Winter: Summer.
32. Night/Day: Night.
33. Hangin Out/Chillin: What's the difference?
34. Dopey/Funny: Funny.
35. You know I'm around when you hear?: Ummm...
36. If in college/uni, what are you studying: Either something having to do with art or writing.
37. Have you ever taken drugs?: No.
38.Most blonde friend: Not sure.
39.Funniest friend: Too many to type down. xD
40.Smartest friend: Adrienne (She has more common sense then anyone I know)
41.Best personality: They're all good. :]
42.Best all around person: Not sure.
43. Which 6 people do you trust and are open with the most?: Tiffany, Adrienne, Carly, Khaila, Alyssa and Rachel.
44. What do you think of your soul mates?: ...
45. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?: I don't think so, personally.
46. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about?: Hmm...I think it was just this really sad song that I was listening to.
47. What's an object you can't live without?: Music. :P So, yeah, my ipod. Haha.
48. Love or lust?: Love.
49. Silver or gold?: Silver
50. Diamond or pearl?: Diamond.
51. Sunset or sunrise?: Sunset.
52. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?: No.
53. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Not anymore.
54. Do you have any piercing?: No.
55. What song are u listening to right now? None
56. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?: Hawaii or Disney World. xD
57. Who do u want to spend the rest of your life with?: Not sure.
58. Favourite sport?: Baseball.
59. What makes you happy?: Music, friends.
60. What's the next c.d/s you're gonna get?: Got A LOT that I want, haha. Next one will probably be 'Boxcar Racer' 'Warning' or 'We Don't Need to Whisper'
61. What's the best advice given to you?:
62. Have you ever won a special award? 'Something in school.
63. Worst sickness you ever had?: Bronchittus (or however you spell it). Also a mild case of pnemonia.
64. Do you like Funny or Scary movies better?: Funny.
65. On the phone or in person?: Person.
66. Hugs or kisses?: Hugs.
67. If you died who would you leave everything you own to?: Um...I don't know.
68. Do u have any enemies?: Yes.
69. What is yout greatest fear?: Death.
70. What time is it in Albania now?: How the hell am I supposed to know?
71. Have you met santa?: Riight.
72. Do you have any pets?: I wish.
73. Last time you were depressed?: A couple months ago.
74. Are you an alcoholic?: No.


Holy crap, I didn't realize how long it had been since I've been on here. Hahaha.

So, how are all of you?=]

I've actually been doing pretty good; I finished my first semester of finals (in sophomore year) and I feel like I did good on them. :] I go to youtube a lot, so that's pretty much why I'm never on here anymore. I'm also REALLY into Sum 41 right now, for some odd reason. :lol:

This news is a bit late, but...

Like the title reads, this news is a bit late, but I didn't get much of a chanceto get online yesterday so I couldn't really post a blog about it. Anyways:

Yesterday was my SWEET 16!!! =)

And that's about it really. Hahaha.

For presents, I got:

"It Won't Be Soon Before Long" by Maroon 5, which I pretty much BEGGED for. I just REALLY wanted the songs "Wake Up Call" and "I Won't Go Home Without You" but I love pretty much the whole album. =]

"Good Morning Revival" by Good Charlotte. I CANNOT stop listening to "I Don't Wanna Be In Love (Dance Floor Anthem). It's just such an addicting song. Love pretty much the whole album, though.

And "Guitar Hero 3." Awesome game. I suck at it right now, but I just got it, so that's to be expected, I guess.

It's been awhile...

Okay, I know that it's been awhile (over a month)since I've been on. I just lost interest in this site (again) but I figure that I might be back; for awhile, at least. I thought that I'd give updates, but I honestly can't really think of much of anything to update ON at the moment.

I do hope that you all had a great Thanksgiving. =] Mine was pretty uneventful, just me and my parents. Nothing TOO exciting, but that's okay. I didn't mind the peace. Compared to the crazy ones that we've had in the last few yearsat my aunt's house. A lot of younger kids that I am appearently related to, come over and it gets weird. Hahaha

I'm pretty happy right now, cause I did a speech thing in spanish, and now I'm worry free til at least my birhday. =]

I've really gotten into this show called "Corner Gas". It's pretty funny. I didn't know that it existed til it took over Scrubs' timeslot on WGN. The little fantasy things that the characters have sometimes remind me of all those J.D. moments that all the Scrubs' characters have. Haha

I know this whole thing was random and all, but I don't care. I'm just happy right now, so I'm more weird then usual.