Neither. Try upping your budget if you can. You will get a lot more sound for your money starting at around £30. Also are they for on the go or at home because full sized cans will net you much more sound for less money.
tautitan123's forum posts
5.1 all the way. I am assuming that you mean $350? This example won't have all the inputs you need but according to is only £3 over budget, it will sound great for the price. Just a shame Sony don't provide many inputs these days on the al-in-one DVD systems. My recommendation is to spend a little more, perhaps up to $450 to get a nice all-in-one system i.e. something not bought from a local grocery shop lol. XRED_0 has got the right idea though which is to buy what you can afford now and then decide what other speakers you want at a later date. This way the cost is staggered, you get quality components that will last for years and you get exactly what you want.
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