You wont know how well it did till the next line of consoles is ready to ship.I don't wanna be a troll, but I want your perspective.
Was XBox a succes? It sold around 20-24 millions right? Is that good for a new console? And they did it entirely without getting anything from Japan.
360, do you think that it will manage to be a bigger success? Now that Wii has surpassed 360 overall in sales, is it possible that PS3 will also(years from now) be able to sell better than 360?
How much does 360 need to sell, to have been a success? Should the consumer care? Am I an idiot for wanting to play and like popular games? I have a Wii, but I dont enjoy it.
I dont know why, but I want the consoles I play to be the most popular? I dont know...
teebeenz's forum posts
Ok, Bioshock has already been rated and Blue Dragon has already been being really high and the other being really low...Two Worlds STILL not rated. wtf?Duddy316You have to realise this is the busyest time of the year. Everyone and their dog is pumping out games now, they only have so much staff to cover them all properly. It takes time.
i heard this game was goin to be soo huge that the 360 cds couldnt fit it. i hope they can figure something out like a two disk version or something because this game will make me never play halo ever again:ofootballa27The problem is 1 DVD isnt enough for all the maps the PS3 and PC one has so they're trying to figure out a way to have them for download. obviously thats not going to work so well for core people. All maps in MP games must be on 1 disk, and if UT3 is already apssed the limit this early on things are only going to get worse.
You dont just fly, you fly and fight on the ground.Couldn't this have been kept in your blog?
I'm amazed that all you do is fly, too. Remember in Rogue Squadron, how you got out of the plane and karate chopped foo's? No? Hmm, me neither.
Thanks for the news flash!!!!!!!!!!! What is your IQ? I only ask because how could you not know that you only fly in lair?mfarris2006Actualy you fly and fight on the ground.
Without the sixaxis you couldnt fly and aim at the same time so would be pointless anyway.[QUOTE="teebeenz"][QUOTE="Kickinurazz"]Yeah that sucks about it :(o well it was worth postingISuperGamerI
Actually, you can use the Thumbstick to control the planes.
Try catching up with the context next time.
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