The PS3 does 7.1 in blu ray movies, 5.1 in games. If your using the PS3 just as a blu ray player, splash the extra and go for 7.1, but if its mainly gaming and DVDs with the odd blu ray stick with 5.1. If your looking to hook all that up your best bet is probably something from the logitech z-5xxx series.MattHall
ok I want to get a 5.1 surround sound system. Can some recommen one that can hook up something that can hook up a 360,tv adn computer and is cheap and good.Miles0T0Prower
PS3 does 7.1, and no I cant recommend a hookup but someone else can.
which is partly why PS3 is harder to program for, you have to make sets of instructions to make the effects, where as DX9 has premades sets that you can adjust. Phazevariance
The Wii is on a different paradigm altoghether, it can not be compared to the PS3 or 360. Its recycled hardware, its aimed at a different audience, its also sold for a profit. Nothing about the wii can be compared, but itll become a little more clear once the usual 18month fenzy for nintendo hardware is over.
Disk based storage is called that, storage, data put into a machines ram is memory. Get yee terms right for the better of mankind. Mind you, no-one uses Font properly.
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