teebeenz's forum posts
is there something I'm missing?seriousdan74Brain cells if you purchased a known faulty device again after having one die.
You'd think such a serious thing would be all red lights, but something so low-level as a loose video cable gets to have all red lights.TimothyBYou do realise this is for the people who made "Keyboard not detected, press F1 to continue"
You can compare DVD sales to HD sales to show that the war isn't even started yet to have ended. Like people complaining when Paramount went to HD-DVD side knowing they could have sold more on Blu-ray because of that 2:1 info to make more money is a bogus arguement. The sales are still way to low to make any really money, even selling to both let alone blu-ray. DVDs can have one title outsell all by near double the HD format discs ever sold in one week, so they focused more on the future and the facts than puny sales figures. Thus, this war hasn't even begunTimothyBThey didnt focus on any facts, they were paid to switch for 18months. As for you cant compare The HD formats to DVD, thats right... becuase its the same people putting out all the formats, if they want DVD gone by years end they just stop releasing on it. DVD has as much pull as they want it to have, and theyve said, they want DVD gone.
Because MS was notorious for the "Blue screen of death" in thier Windows programs, the statement of "Red ring of death" is a spin off of that.Psychotic_360Thats right, goes to show how little the 360 community knows about MS... probably not a good idea.
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