>360 Has better online features, thats a factkillerfistYou mind backing that up or will you be like everyone else who dodges the question and just spouts misinformation from Nov 2006.
teebeenz's forum posts
360 has better multiplayer, sure you gotta pay, but you get what you pay for. PS# needs like 20min to find a match with lag, like I am not bashing the ps3 or anything, but we all know that 360 is the best online, its also easy to find your friends without an instruction manual:lol:mohammad93...ahh none of that is true. See this is what I was saying, the only people with bad things to say about the PS3 know nothing about it.
Lol, yea, but also note that 360 is in the lead for multiplayer which is now the main focus in "nextgen" so you want a system that benefits after you finished the singleplayermohammad93How so?
I enjoy the wii but last weekend I went over to my friend's house to play 360 and he kicked my f****** a** in all the games. So I'm just here to say that 360 gamers are much more hardcore then wii gamers. I'm stuck playing MOHH2 for Wii which is a good game but not a FPS that the 360 is capable of.whitmanbballWii gamers tend to be 7 year old girls. Nuff said.
Well one set of disks has a protective coating, the other doesnt. That and the whole "dodgy drive thing"I haven't had any problems but it has scratched my games alot, and my dad owns a video store and it has been a year and not a single PS3 game has a scratch on it, while 360 games a breaking constantly. But I will still hold on to my 360, Gears of war is just too fun.
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