teebeenz's forum posts
Then having compressed videos or 4 discs is not a blocking factor I thing... After all, the difference between comrpessed and uncompressed isn't that obviouspadejaceThe video is compressed heavily already.
comparing a cd audio track at more than 1100 kbps and a high quality mp3 at 392 or so kbps.... you can barely tell the difference. the average person can NOT tell the difference. I admit that low quality mp3s like 128 kbps are bad quality, but i mean .... radio is at 64 kbps.... i dunno what exactly i am trying top prove.... nothing i guess.. i just don't think compressed sound is a big deal at allibanezdropdFirst of all there is a different as mp3 butchers the high range, one of the many reasons why game devs use Ogg Vorbis for their compressed sound however CDs are 16bit 2 channels, the sound on PS3 is 24bit 7.1, thats a little different.
>Like every other MGS game the cutscenes would be done using the in-game engine. Can't compress them.PacktActually they've always been a mix of engine and pre-rendered.
How's that? The game looks amazing, and Game Informer gave it 9.75/10. I don't see your logic...gruoch1The context was referring to graphics. Game Informer also gave Lair an 8.
Oh nooo they would have to compress the cutscenes.. sigh when will people start complaining about things that actually matter lol.. Ever seen a 1080p movie compressed? Looks damn good, I've really never seen any difference compared to a HD DVD or BluRay.. And anyone complaining do you even have a 1080p native TV? Because if not it's simply going to downsample everything to your native rez. jremiCutscenes are compressed, along with HDDVD and BD.
Hope it doesn't make him cry that only 1% of the purchasers ever see his game the way it was "meant" to be.jmartinez1983A recent survey suggests 33% of PS3 owners are using HDTVs so I dont think its so bad.
Compression would not affect the games quality.shadystxxxExcept remove the quality.
Gears was compressed,oblivion was compressed infact i bet 95% of all 460 games have some sort of compression.shadystxxxAll games are compressed, have been since the 80s.
Un-compressed sound will have slightly better quality in 5.1, but if video is compressed well it will still look fantastic gears for example.shadystxxxNo.... when you're turning gigs of sound into megs you lose a significant amount of quality, which is why its left uncompressed in the first place.
"In this video, Carmack demonstrates the engine's rendering capabilities. What we get is an environment worth 80GB of uncompressed textures. Through some smart coding and Carmack's genius, the game should fit in a single Blu-ray or 2 DVDs."shadystxxxHas nothing to do with smart coding, itll remove any redundancies then if needed remove detail till it fits. You cant have the quality and fit it on a DVD, it simply doesn't work like that. Compression isnt magic.
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