And yet Sony has Killzone, Infamous. etc.
.... and Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper, GOW, Resistance, Little Big Planet, Knack, Uncharted, Quantic Dream games, Motorstorm, Drive Club, Warhawk, Twisted Metal, The Last of Us, etc. You're fooling yourself here if you're trying to say they're the same as far as exclusives go. It's well known, Sony >>>>>MS for exclusives.
I can counter you with Crackdown, Kameo, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Halo Wars, Banjo, Shadow Complex, Perfect Dark, Project Gotham Racing, etc. Take that! You mean Kameo which is a mediocre launch title lol Then there is Nuts 'N Bolts, which was a terribly average game, and for many more was considered an under par game (Rare studios are a shell of their former selfes) Ratchet a Crack in Time is one of the best games of this gen and UTTERLY DESTROYRS both of those games So do the Little Big Planet games Now lets move on to the other mediocre 360 exclusives fanchises from early this gen, which are now but gone, and have since been long forgotten! Crackdown was so meh. Many will agree with that As were Fable and Shadow Complex(both those games are considered failures by most) Only Lost Odyssey was good. Ni No Kuni is much better Anyway, Listing old and long forgotten 360 exclusives from early from this gen doesnt prove what ever point you think you had... NOW all Microsoft has is Gears/Halo/Forza, and its been nothing but Gears/Halo/Forza + kinect for several years now Over all, the PS3 has the much better exclusives, and has much more across much more genres, while still keeping a higher level of quality through out! And for the past several years especially, the PS3 has been crushing the 360 in quantity and quality of exclusives, and by diversity of exclusives too Its been a mercy killing. That trend will likely continue with the PS4 mercy killing the casual kinect box 720 in exclusives by every measure etc
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