@damacdon @teufelherz @JOTLD well yes, and that is still delusional in current markets! why do developers try to put games in every possible console? even if on facebook? razor, razorblades.
@DarkE0n @teufelherz @allebban you people still don't get it!!! you cannot live on exclusives alone!!! it is dumb!!! You are getting a system that basically has exclusives. Microsoft has exclusives, Sony has exclusives, and Nintendo has exclusives. But Nintendo does not have as many options on third party as the other consoles. Period. and whoever says they are not needed, they are just delusional. If not, then ask how many wii only players are praising Bayonetta 2 withouth having played the first one!
@sonyfreak456 and how do I include ps exclusives in that to be an xbone fan you genious? you got 40+ like comments from retarded people like yourself. LOL
@Tiwill44 you didn't get it, it's not that I prefer them, buyers prefer them and vote with their wallets. Compare sales of GTA vs. a smash bros. game. BTW your yoshi Avatar gives you away. And just so you know, I would like to play nintendo's stuff... just not on a nintendo system when obviously, the tablet controller failed!
Like this comment if you are prefer getting a console that will have GTA, COD, Battlefield, Fifa 14, NBA 2k14 and likely: Titanfall, God of War, Infamous, Halo, Gears, Forza, KI, The Witcher, Metal Gear Soid, etc. Instead of a Wii U (opting out of Nintendo's exclusives on Wii U and not getting the system).
Like this comment if you want to be able to or at least have the option to play all of the nintendo stuff as well as GTA, COD, Battlefield, Need for Speed, Dying light, Fifa 14, NBA 2k14, etc. on one console which is capable of playing them all the way they were intended to be played.
@DeViLzzz I want to sell you a placebo, it's going to make you faster, stronger, better in every way. But only if you believe it and you also have to believe you need it, if not, you are just one of those idiot consumers.
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