Actually there's no need for a guide, the newbs in this case are sitting on the other end of the developer desk if their making zombie games after all the hundreds of others since, I don't know, NECROPHILIA set in...
When did we lose touch with reality and allow people like Joe Biden to make calls like this on basic freedoms? It's not as though violent games are THROWN IN OUR FACES like chicks that are underclothed in public ten months out of the year and advertisements from about every rotting company and source of media!
@Yuna08 He's just trying to bring attention to himself and his own games, though innovation is definitely needed. His preferences are taking the floor every time he speaks and if what you say is true, he has not indicated this within the context of his diatribe.
So how is having a more visceral howbeit ugly shooter any better than one that supposedly glorifies violence...? In the former case there would be less gore, and either way, sane people won't like or gravitate toward violent games...I should know. As to innovation, I have seen game series that do just fine without much change, and others which bring welcome changes...And now to the wallet-voting, well, the wallets will tell the preference in the end, so it will be results that determine whether you are just ranting and full of hot air.
You know what, I don't care what you say, this game HASN'T GOT ENOUGH BLOOD displayed...I'm sitting here eating tomato soup and I don't feel any loss of appetite, so OBVIOUSLY it hasn't fully earned it's M-rating!
What a short-sighted investment...Of course Americans allegedly voted Obama into office about the same time, so...I guess I can't expect much in the way of wisdom at this point...
Even though I don't think games are a factor here AT ALL, reasoning with Joe Biden is like trying to convince a river to turn back upstream with sign language. Either way, he's after guns anyway, so freedom of entertainment is a trifle.
I couldn't care less about another Witcher game, I just want a game that I can play for it's rating and trust that the M-games will just wash away with the human waste that plays them even if they clog the gutters, that's what street clean crews are for...
I wish Gallagher would take a melon mallet to the heads of developers of generic mmo games, they obviously wouldn't suffer a further decrease in creative ability or else their games don't suggest that...
tgwolf's comments