Well if I had an appetite before seeing this image for the second time at least my grocery bill will be significantly less this month starting today. I can only imagine what deranged minds liked or even thought of this stuff--LADIES TAKE NOTE!--These are NON-ELIGIBLE PERVERTS! Have a nice day!
I'm still not clear here, did they apologize because they couldn't GET AWAY WITH IT, or because they realize that they were sick perverts and basically getting professional help...? Also, at the risk of rocking this fine social boat we are in, AM I REALLY THE ONLY ONE THAT SEES THIS SORT OF THING as MORE offensive to females than IDLE TRASH TALK?? ...If so then I know we are all in much worse trouble than anyone ever admitted.
When the blurb advertised 'all it's glory' I immediately thought of other games, one of which was a version that didn't pin up a man-woman-thing as it's mascot...You know the type I'm talking about, a game which at it's core was more concerned with mechanics and real ingenuity rather than recreating models that the artist still has fresh in his mind because that's the other browser window he has open in the background...basically...
As I should have guessed, this 'multiplayer' is nothing more than deathmatch...Well it's not like I would play the game anyway, I like REAL women, not the ones that are rendered like Barbie dolls (I know, what are guys doing playing with Barbie dolls??) and with a female voice but which in all other ways is a man, right down to the spitting and dirty mind.
Well it's not worth the trouble when things that are REALLY important such as CONTENT get passed over or skimped because all the project funds went to making images that made the most mentally-perverting content so close to reality that players start to lose their sanity...Let's look at the cold hard facts here and divorce the bias--It is when a mind begins to accept distortions of reality and lose the distinction between reality and fantasy that madness sets in, and not just madness, psychosis! Games that have M-rated material are ALL dangerous because they are already have their own mental warping factor, even down to excessive blood. These sorts of things SHOULD NOT be rendered in clarity or insanity not only WILL follow, but already has in most cases as can be seen in most players of those games...PLAYERS BEWARE!
Not only don't I think that games have a positive impact on education I imagine that 'Patch' or 'Scar' or whatever his name is shouldn't be given any forum in grade schools or any public schools where he could show up and scare the kids!
So I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that that orange column of light pouring down on that one monster means it's a boss...How did this become the convention? We can thank Dungeon Siege 2 for that, except since we can also thank DS 2 for murdering my loyalty to the Dungeon Siege games for it's shameless M-content I won't hear me offer any thanks now or ever.
Violent games are a problem, but the problem is that it takes a warped mind, and I mean A WARPED MIND to play the games, and that just means that things like pornography ARE THE REAL CULPRIT!! But then why should I expect to resonate with a community of enthusiasts that are part time gamers, full time addicts?? It's not as though I would find much support anywhere else, not even in the masses of 'ordinary people'...
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