@codeman101360 @kcender08 Yes leave him to consuming his slab of crudely-hacked cheese...Conspiracy or no, you must admit this makes another alarming step in the direction we have been going lately, that of losing freedom.
@JimmeyBurrows What's wrong with it is that it doesn't allow them to criminalize and therefore control it. What's wrong with it is that it isn't intrusive enough. Otherwise there's nothing wrong with it, if it is needed at all.
OKAY SO, this is where we are at then. Anyone that says that they can't take control of any aspect of your life is out of touch with reality. I'm wondering if THIS, FINALLY makes us stand up for our disintegrating Bill of Rights...
Well good thing I got my hardware, now I just need to buy up whatever games I might ever want and hope the cap on second hand sales doesn't cover anything prior to PS4...
Alright, for discussions in which we are SERIOUSLY discussing 'setting the mech free' MechWarrior Online NEVER enters the discussion except by point of CONTRAST when it comes to freedom! That said it should be obvious that unless, for example, fluidity of motion, full articulation and a weapon array that ISN'T a liability to the pilot's life are FIRST answered then NO OTHER game deserves mention, NO MATTER how popular or classic...And there's so much more if I had my way...
THIS SHOULD NOT BE MISSION-BASED...Come on, people, haven't we learned anything from iconic games of a decade ago? When are we going to get a real space sim that finally incorporates mech combat the rudiments of which we are seeing here?
@Dr_Corndog ...Unless we are landsliding less toward rational action and more changing diapers for social agendas. There is less and less footing for those that clearly see that big wheels are turning powered by emotion, prejudice and wreckless selfishness.
tgwolf's comments