XBox will NEVER have enough hardware for my needs and for that matter I pretty well dismiss the next generation because I just know that worse is coming with the accessibility of better rendering, using the current M-game over-prevalence as an example.
We NEED MORE GAMES like the AM's Alice! LESS on the heroine, MORE on the trippy and twisted! Too bad no man dares go where Through the Looking-Glass dared go but once, always that they leave a usable material legacy such as for games...
I still resent the fact that they modeled Dante after me down to the demeanor, but the fact that this is rated M and I don't play garbage effectively eclipses that pain...
@JukedSolid @tgwolf People who actually cared and were actually qualified to fix the government DID run...STILL someone promised everyone free everything and what did we do? As a nation, we believed him! Way to go! We not only swallowed a blatant lie we voted a maniac into office that would do the same with more boldness next time because he knows he can win two elections with complete misrepresentation!
Okay, guys, everyone of you that saw my previous comment predicting this and said no, HANG YOUR HEAD IN SHAME! Now listen and listen good, THIS IS JUST THE FIRST STEP. Once an elitist gets something in their head, not you nor your rights nor your life matter one stinking bit. IT'S TIME TO STOP ELECTING IDIOTS! These past two elections were a historical disgrace!
Strike Suit Zero is the only one which is of any interest to me here, and even then it is a disappointment, perhaps worse because where it promised decent (as opposed to 'unacceptable, like the rest') mech space action it is MISSION-CORRALLED...I thought we had finally made progress, too, I was gonna' wear a festive sock, maybe supersize my meal...
The biometrics here CAN BE a marvelous new dimension for game feedback, IF used properly...Unfortunately I can see too many misuses of it, some of them pretty dangerous, since even subtle manipulation of heart rhythm and so on can cause major problems...
Yeah, too bad it's for China...figures anytime they announce something I think would actually be great, such as an mmo with a fully-articulated martial arts fighting form OR EIGHT or mech games with respectable options, it's in a language NO ONE KNOWS!
Of course they brought her back, they didn't want to have to get a new model, female models getting wise as they are to Enix's female-unfriendly rendering practices...Some models have A SEMBLANCE of self respect...I mean this particular chick, SERIOUSLY, she is NOT wearing armor! Everyone knows that armor offers physical protection, and that equates to COVERAGE!!
tgwolf's comments