Okay, Bushnell, what's your game, this is starting to stink a bit...What, are you BETTING ON IT'S FAILURE, what, you got money at stake?? You'd think the guy had turned prophet or something, unless he has secret alien technology and won't release it until this 'current era apocalypse'...
I am not at all surprised, and neither would I be surprised to see that little obsolete thing sell shamefully well...Meanwhile the Wii U gets scooped up, price tag notwithstanding...
And here I confirm that I am not surprised that in a war between innovation and a shoddy and contrived mechanism for telling a story, the consumer loses out every time, so agrees Bethesda...It's no loss for me though, the game is M-rated garbage...So tiresome.
As lethally-boring as both of those are the combination is slightly interesting...at least it makes for an interesting concept and it just might be entertaining.
...Sure glad there are no negative comments on this point, otherwise I would have to point out that Liberals used media censorship and fraudulent ballot-counting machines, and that the elected individual in the White House made Bush look like a saint (in more ways that one...) in terms of scandal, contempt of delegated Constitutional power and general despotism...Sure glad I didn't have to bring up the many aspects of that...
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