Good grief, the game line up is so bad in general and my options so few among new games I have actually just now considered interring myself in this game series...*shiver in disgust*
Yeah, now if only something more respectable than Steam could catch the vision and expel that horrible game...for about any reason, the right one or whatever it takes.
I can see why they would be drafted to work on that particular game and also and not least how they could be struggling in their game department...I still can't grasp the fascination with Kingdom Hearts and I am usually not wrong about these sorts of things.
Here I'm only seeing shoddy covers for unnecessary price hikes and a disclaimer which amounts to a refusal to lower their pricing schemes. if it weren't for the fact that Nintendo games were, especially compared competitors and their adulterated garbage, worthwhile, I would have even less patience and more disgust. I'm instead saving my disgust to launch venom-like at the far-more-deserving M-games which can't keep from brooding out of the infernal gates of development.
Based on what I know of the game and the whole series I would say that it was full of What-if materials...more than what can have justice done of it in one little article...
The way that chick-thing comes across I would think that that blade and arm as a cyborg appendage wouldn't mar her humanity more than her looks speak to how her life mangles her humanity.
tgwolf's comments