The title sure doesn't do any favors for distinguishing the game but I won't promise I won't play it, even if it is generic. The domain of sanctuary from filth in games is shrinking anymore...
I imagine that among other things the failure to scare comes because the notion of an undead menace is dulled by the fast-paced and mindless action of an FPS genre, and possibly because there are so many other games where the undead are more frightening by comparison...Other considerations would be the fact that zombie themes are over-used and really not all that frightening, not to say that there aren't other alternatives which would be more effective for the scare...
This multiplayer-centrism is something I will forever mourn when playing Nintendo handhelds, since for whatever reason they have largely neglected this very key element and it is such an unspeakable shame.
It's a rotting shame that more developers don't seek that 'Holy Grail' because their design either fails that standard or devours players with disgusting addictive elements and a lack of real fun.
@franzito I think you underestimate the addictive power of games. Anyway, if people with a social life can play the games, there's a statement of it's appeal, and besides, these are not the sort of games most gamers would consider anything but social or casual.
tgwolf's comments