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thatguy0130 Blog

No. XVIII: Questions to the people.

So along with trying a new title system for my posts, I have a few questions that I would like answered. I usually take up this blog with a game related topic, today however is an exception. From a certain stand point I suppose you could loosely tie this back to game relation but I am going to say for the record that its not. This is a personal message I am sending out. I just wanted to know a few things so I will address them here.

First and foremost, does anyone seriously read these blog posts. I mean, sure its cool to have a place to write down thoughts, but I can't expand upon my thoughts without feedback. As I am sure this post will show the trend, I have gotten ZERO feedback from anyone. What is up with that? Are my topics not good enough? Is my presentation flawed. I leave comments on stuff all the time. I have been a member for over a year now and I have not gotten a single comment. Why? I would like to know this, send me some feedback people.

Another thing, I have just started writing like serious reviews for games. I see what other people put up for reviews, atleast in most cases and it is like a paragraph or two. Some people are just stupid and put a mash up of letters forming no words at all, as is the case with a Warriors Orochi review, not to point fingers at people. How do they even get theirs posted on the site, is there no streaming/filter process. Its not even a review for crying out loud. Anyways back to the point, my reviews are serious and as professional as I can make them. I figure if you wanted a friends thoughts you would as a friend, since I don't have any, I try to put something down that is more detailed and helpful, as if the very thought of bying this game hangs in the balance. My game collection is extensive so I would have to go back and play all the games over again to give them a decent review, yea probably not going to happen, but hey maybe if I got some FEEDBACK I might put more effort into reviewing games. Just like to note a BIG THANK YOU goes out to the nine people who recommended my review for Warriors Orochi. I worked hard on it and it was THE FIRST user review of the game, I take pride in that but not as much pride as I take in NINE PEOPLE saying wow this guy writes a good review.

Also, I was wondering how do you put pictures in your blog posts? I saw some people do that and it looks like a good way to catch people into reading it. Atleast I did. And hyperlinks, how do you make a group of words a hyperlink to another page? Cause I would totally link to that godawful review so more people can say how unhelpful that is. Maybe if enough people say something it will be taken off!

What else? Did I mention I have been doing this for a year now? I have like level 15 which means whatever that means, who knows? Anyways, I see people with lower ratings getting reviews and me nothing. So this is to call you out. I know people look at this, atleast they look at my profile, had like a hundred or somthing like that so what gives, why no shout out or anything of that nature. I even multiple ways that you can comment, not just here, I have Yahoo Messanger, if you prefer, or even the PS3 handle right there in plain view. I thought that with this new title system maybe people will skim it and say Hmmm I wonder what questions he has. LET ME KNOW, also if its not too much trouble, I know they are long but show some love to my other topics, they feel neglected. You support is invaluable in the fight against boredom! THE POWER IS YOURS!!!!!


Well welcome back. I am just going to jump right into it. Why do you suppose that these development people keep boasting to one extent or the other, "Take a look at this new amazing game we have! This game here is the (Insert Genre Here) game that will revolutionize the genre! This game uses the full extent of the most powerful technology ever!!!" I went ahead and underlines the points of interest. So check this out.

First off, "Revolutionize" the genre? I know that they have to buff up the appearence for sales purposes but lets be serious for a moment. How many game can you pick out that have truely revolutionized anything? Okay for the MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of games I am sure we can come up with a few. Doom, thats one. Super Mario Bros. another good choice. I would say Half-Life, GTA III, and maybe even Guitar Hero from a periphrial stand point. The bottom line here is tere aren't many. Sure there are good games, great games, but there are only a handful of games that literally revolutionize video gaming. To think that your game is so damned good that it is going to change the way gaming is, that is just egotistical and selfish. The people who made the games that were revolutionary, I am sure that they never once thought it would have such a profound impact on modern gaming. Peole nowadays are so wattered down with mainstreaming it and selling out for the biggest dollar, it is hard to find someone doing something that is completely and all together different and revolutionary. Thats what happens when you mainstream people, you sell out. So I don't want to hear anyone call their game revolutionary! We will decide after the fact if it is worthy of that title, not you so put your ego back in your sack! Speaking of sacks...

How bout this sack of a line, "This game uses the full extent of the most powerful technology availible!" What a load of crap! Show me the game that uses all that space on a Blue Ray disc. Show that game that is just so freakin' awsome that it blows the mind. There isn't one. That is because what may have been considered the most awsome and powerful technology of one day is immediately bypassed the next. There is no such thing as the perfect game that uses all the availible power of a given console. We are still waiting for THE next generation of gaming. I don't see it coming, what I see are little tiny imporvements over time. I see games for the PS3 that could have been on the PS2. Games for the XBOX 360 that are no better then a Gamecube game. Why is it that people are so easy to say that line when no one delivers on it. Saying that line is like a death sentence. We see games that "look" amazing, like heavenly sword, sure it is an amazing looking game, but it's short. Therefore it doesn't use the full extent of the "power" availible. You can't lean on one aspect hoping that it sells the game, sure it may do well in sales but it won't sell the game as the end all be all of games. And that friends of mine is what the next generation game is going to be, the end all be all of games. It will be the Mario Bros. of it's time. The game that makes people say, "Holy Shnikes! I had no idea a game could be that good!" And on the note of "good" we fall into our final line of thought.

"The most powerful technology ever!" This one is easy. From the time you started reading this to the time you are finished technology just advanced a little more. Nothing will ever, EVER utalize technology to its fullest. It just wont happen. There is always going to be something smarter, faster, bigger, better out there. Look at computers, it is pathetic the life cycle on a computer these days. You buy a computer a year ago and it starts to look like a boat anchor come year end. That is rediculious. It is so amazing the things that they can do with technology these days. So when you say that your game pushes the limits of this "incredible XBOX hardware" you are lying, for you see when you say those words, there is someone somewhere who is working to squeeze just a little bit more out of it then you.

So whats the conclusion? All these sentences have a purverbial experation date. They expire as soon as you finish saying them. It is as iff they turn to mush and trickle down your chin and by the time you know whats happening you game is in a bargin bin being pushed at "incredible low prices" to make way for the "game that revolutionizes and pushes the technology to the limit!" Then you look at yourself and just say, "Well crap!" Coincidently enough that is exactly what you are left with in your hand. People who are modest when promoting their game are the ones you should respcet. They are they ones who work under budget, understaffed, working their butt off to bring you, the gamer, something new and innovative, to make you say, "Hmm, I would have never though that possible! What will they think up next?" Those are the ones to watch, not the develpers with thier hands in everyone's pockets. And I am finished for today, two blogs in one day, that is impressive. You should watch me next time right here on Teusdays with thatguy. Take it easy peoples!


Well well well. What is it now 16 or so? We are doing well aren't we. So its Thursday so once again time for another edition of Teusdays with thatguy. Yea well, what can I do, Tuesday didn't work out for me. So anyways whats new today? For my screaming hordes or fans who flock to see if I have something new to talk about, I do. First and foremost however, I must comment that I have posted the very first ever game review by yours truly. I know I know, it has been anticipated for years. Well I have finally done it and I am mostly satisfied with the way it turned out. The other two reviews that I put up after the first just don''t hold that same charm but hey, they are still worth reading. Hopefully someone in this entire site found them useful. The best part about putting up a review is that your on the top of the list of reviews, well that is until someone else puts one up after you. So hurry and see before its too late. The game reviewed was Dynasty Warriors: Gundam. I know what your thinking, Dynasty Warriors: Gundam, who likes that? I have played the hell out of that game so I figured writing a review would be easy, I did enjoy the whole reviewing expirience, now if only I could get paid to do it.... Any who I tried my hardest not to be biest towards the series that I have liked for ages. Okay on to the main event.

Hey look I used the enter key to change paragraphs. Yea thats a neat trick isn't it. Anyways, what I want to talk about now is a basic mish mash of stuff I have thought about while reading articles. I post comments to articles regularly when it strikes my fancy to do so but I figure who ever reads those? Well for convience, I will put it all here. First up is Manhunt 2. Those who are eagery anticipating the game, well here is yet another story on it. Those who aren't won't be thrilled that there is yet another story about it. Either way here it is. For all the hype surrounding the game's rating and the whole "Ultraviolent" aspect, how many people eager to snatch this game right off the shelves are actually 18? How many people who have played the first Manhunt game are 18? I bet that most of the people that you see saying, wow I can't wait to play this M rated game, or boo on ESRB for censoring the thing, are under age. In fact I would bet money on it. That is the sad truth. Sure they aren't "supposed" to get their hands on games of this nature, but they do. Same way that they see R rated movies, kids can always find a way. They are resourceful when it comes to getting into trouble. The even sadder thing is that 9 times out of 10 the parents are completely clueless. Johnny Fourteenyearold goes up to his mom and asks for Manhunt 2 for christmas or what not and she goes out and gets it for him because of course who could resist his sweet little innocent face? Kids know how to manipulate atleast their moms if not both parents. Sure some kids may be able to handle what is refered to as "Ultraviolence," but the bottom line is you are NOT SUPPOSED TO PLAY IT. Bottom line! I don't care if your the Presidents son or the game developer's daughter, you are not supposed to play these games. They were not made for you, they are not marketed for you, they are not rated for you, PERIOD! What else is the point behind the ESRB and the whold damned rating system? These people aren't out to make money you know, it isn't a very lucrative business. They were founded to A. Keep the government off game developer's backs, and B. and most importantly, to inform the PARNETS of the content of this game. Well not just them, also the consumer who wants to know a little about whats it it. But they get them. They play these games. Who is to blame? The clueless parent for getting it for them. The clueless parent who has NO IDEA what is going on in their kids' heads. A child's head is a swirling torrent of insane tornadic jargon. Kids may think they have things figured out, but they don't. Thats why they are called kids and not adults. They lack the years of expirience and I don't care who you are you can't argue that. Even as adults we make mistakes but atleast we can handle the outcome in most cases. Kids just have no idea. I STRONGLY believe that their mind just isn't made for the psychology that goes into M rated games just like it isn't made for R rated movies. Sure you could expirience a game or movie and say "Psh that had no effect on me, it was just good adult entertainment." The fact is that your wrong. It may not effect you now. Nor may it ever effect you directly, but indirectly you won't be the same. It will be there whiether you know of it or not it will be there. I am 21 years old and my parents were very strict on that sort of thing. I have earned the right to play these games or see these movies with years of expirience. People who don't put the proper time in to earn that right and just do it the cheap and easy way are only cheating themselves. So next time you are reading about an M rated game, look at the comments that people post. Most kids are so obviously juvenile with what they type that they are easy to spot. Think to yourself, "Wow, look how excited that 8,10,12 year old is about this Manhunt 2 game." Personally I have the first Manhunt game and I didn't play through it. I played it for a while and it was just nothing but sick brutality. There is NO STORYLINE at all, its just brutality thats it. A game should have atleast something to motivate you to see what happens next, this game doesn't have that. Argue with me if you want but at the very least, listen and understand my point of view. You don't have to accept it just respect it.

Wow, that was more then I thought it would be. That is blog length if I have ever seen it so the next topic will be on a new blog. Check XVII for the next topic! Thanks for reading and take it easy peoples.

Okay so it turns out that this got posted twice so this is sixteen not seventeen so we finally got this all worked out Sorry for the confusion!

No. XV

Wow fifteen already. Whats on the menu for today? Well lets see I could go on about how much I hate Gamestop/EB, lets do that. I preordered Dynasty Warriors Gundam from them recently. First thing that happened, I didn't get mine on the day it came out. WHAT THE HELL? What is the damn point of preordering a game when you don't get it the day that it comes out? The guy said, well it was released today but we won't get our stock until tomorrow. So I have to make new arrangements to get something that I had originally made arrangements to get, gee I don't know, the day it came out. That is like saying well you preordered your game so hold out your hand. Okay good here is your game. Then the guy puts a pile of fecal matter in your hand. Fantastic! Just what I wanted more sh-poo. Well anyways I go back to get it the day AFTER release and he looks up my preorder information and goes to the display shelf and takes the OPEN BOX right off the shelf and gives it to me! Cripes all mighty man what the hell is going on here. If I preorder a game, you should RESERVE ME A PERSON COPY OF THE GAME. Schittily Dittily man what is this anyways. I invisioned a copy somewhere in the back with a sticky note on it that has my name on it SEALED! Istead I get the one all the little kiddies have had their money grubbing hands all over. Oh the contamination. That really made me angry. Why do I do business there? Oh wait thats right, thats THE ONLY place to go aside from Wal-Mart, and who the hell likes them? Long story short, I didn't get my PREORDERED game on the release day and I didn't even get a RESERVED copy. Shafted again! What else? I do like the game, I put some reviews up on my GameList for Metal Gear Solid Prtable Ops, Half-Life, and Dynasty Warriors Gundam. All good games Two 10 ratings and a 9 respectively. Thats about the size of it, I will keep you posted on future Gamestop mutiny information as I recieve it. I think I shall go up there and get my 5 dollar reserve money for GTA:IV since it isn't coming out for months and I don't feel like holding more poo in my hands! I can wait a week and get it from Target!


First of all, big news. Okay so not really big news but news non the less. Big plans are in the works for a month later on. I am not exactly sure which one, I haven't decided yet. It will be soon I think. At any rate, I plan to write something new and different about games for 30 days straight. Every day will hold a new and original idea related to games one way or another. This will be no easy task as you may well imagine, but it is something that would be neat to try. Even though the blog views are nil at best, that matters little to me. It will be here and if you want to see if I can pull it off, join me for the month of _______ as we venture into the world of heavy blogging. Anyways, onto the main event, the reason for the post: Why is it that all the songs in Guitar Hero/Rock Band (though officially unanounced) are all english songs? I am sure that there are some really good rock songs from other countries. I mean you don't have to know what the person is saying to enjoy the music. It's all about playing the songs not nessecarily the music. Okay, okay, I can see how Rock Band would lose a little in that regard but what is Guitar Hero's excuse? For a small example, though I don't know where the music comes from, Dynasty Warriors. There are alot of nice deuls there and I would love to play them. Well mostly harmonies I guess but still, I would like to play atleast one Dynasty Warriors song, like Eve or Straight Ahead from 4. 4 is just the one I played the most, so I know the music better, it doesn't nessecarily mean that it has the best score. Anyways that is just one example, they don't just pop in my mind but I know that there must be others. How about that Fullmetal Alchemist theme, I guess it would be the second openning that I am thinking of, Ready Steady Go. That seems like it would be a fun song to play. Am I wrong? It just seems that you are cutting out a big part of the world when you only include a certain type of song. I am sure people who are more informed about other such music could come up with better examples. Hey Neversoft, you should be paying attention! A whole plethera of untapped potential. And that is what I have on that. Recently I have been bit by the game soundtrack bug and have been picking them up, like DW4. What else? Hmmm..... did I mention the Home Beta I got? Yea, Home has a lot of potential but thats all it is at the moment, POTENTIAL. Nothing that is capitalized at the moment. XBOX still in the lead on that arms race. Folding, how bout that one? I have been folding like crazy. There is this guy on my team with a screen name like mine and I must defeat him. I am less then a hundred away at the moment, haven't even checked today's standings but he was like number 101 or close to it. I was around 190 last I checked. I will catch this fool. My screen name has been my screen name for over a decade! I think the name deserves some respect. It has lasted the test of time, all the way back when the Zone was just getting up and running with Age of Empires. Yea, I was "rolling" with the name deathwish13 previously. I know I was juvenile back then what can I say. Then I said to myself, why be a someone? Why not just another face in the crowd? So thatguy0130 was born. Now when I beat someone they would say, wow thatguy is really good. Funny stuff! Alright alright I have wasted enough time here. Didn't mean to go into that but there you have it the birth of that guy.


So I was looking at my list the other day and I asked myself a question. What happened to Twisted Metal? Look at the history of that franchise. Humble beginnings close to launch of the original PlayStation, small amounts of success that grew over time, they had a fan base. Who can forget the intro for TM III? One of the best things for that game was what 989 did for it, mixing demolition durby with metal/ music. Even 4, with it's mix of Metal/Techno soundtrack was enough to get you going. Three was my favorte in the series, well untill the PS2 that is. Then Incog got the rights back and made this killer game that was rediculiously awsome, not to mention my first PS2 game. That was amazing, but what no follow up? Sure small brawl, head on, but I mean what is that crap? Where is the continuted story of Sweet Tooth? Axel? Calypso? Where is the sequel? How long has the PS2 been out? 4 or 5 years? In that time they had one TM game for the Station and that was at the beginning when it first came out. Now the PS3 has been out for almost a year and no TM game to welcome it? I will pay 50 bucks for a new TM: Black game. I will pay 60 bucks for a new TM: Black game on the PS3. I will get it the day it comes out. But where is it? Incog, if that is who still owns the name, give me another Twisted Metal. And hey, through in some more good music, Black had a really good score but the paint it black for the credits is what did it for me!


Well I have been looking at the number XI for long enough. Though no one reads my meaningless blog, I can put what I want to put down and it is here. Therefore what can I talk about today. How about the state of the union address? Lets talk. I think I will start with Microsoft. First of all, everyone knows where I stand on that, I am no XBOX lover, far from it. I can't say they don't have anything cause that is a lie. They have a one year advantage, though they are paying the price for their rush. They have an estabolished development package that makes it easy to develope games for it. I would even go as far as to say that some of the games of show looked pretty damn good. Though none would be worth buying a box for it. With the world of exclusive titles in shambles, the line between consoles is beginning to blur. When I say consoles I mean the box and the station, Wii is out there somewhere else. Why go and pay a bajillion dollars for a station when your box plays most of the same games right? There are only small differences as it stands now. The real picture is capacity. PS3 has a higher capacity all around then the box. Though I am sure that soft will continue to come out with expansion parts to eventually become equal to that of the station, in the end who spends more money? If you compare the start of the box to the start of the station, the numbers would speak for themselves. look at all the trouble the box is in now, all the mess they had with live, not to mention the fact that its hacked from here to Faraway. I don't know about exact statistics but no console really comes out without it's share of bugs. I am tired of people being one sided on issues like this. I try, despite my loathing of Gates. I have vowed never to surcumb to the box-side but the future holds the truth. There are games that have left the confort of the station to flip sides. Ace Combat! Why did you leave me? That was a real bread-n-butter title for namco. Now they jump ship in favor of the easy way out. Yes more people have a box then a station. Yes it is easier to dev for. How many boxers have ever played a Ace title? They couldn't possible appreciate the story without having expirience. Imagine the game they could have made with all the space of a blue-ray disc! Craziness!! There wouldn't be any segments, events would purely stream through, maybe even a real pilot to walk around jump in a plane when the alarm goes off, or attend a breifing first hand. that would be awsome! But no, Namco chose the easy way out. That shows me, as a gamer and fan of the series, that they hold no loyalty to me or people like me, they hold loyalty to themselves and their profit margins. Wrong message to be sending Nam. Now I have lost respect for them. Its not like they are on tough times, they have more then enough titles to support a few more years work on a real Ace game. Wow we went really off topic here didn't we? I have been meaning to get that off my chest so thanks for listening.So back to it, did Microsoft bring it to E3? In my opinion, they were mediocre at best. Really everyone was and I think that everyone thinks that. Its hard to say who had the best conference because they were all like, "eh..." with shrugs and the like. Even being a Station Supporter myself I can't say I enjoyed the Sony presentation that much either. There were two things I enjoyed, the MGS trailer, and the GT news/trailer. But Anthony, what about the new PSP? Yeah, I would love to gave a Vader PSP. Would I spend a that much just to have Vader on the back? No. But if you add the video output, the thinner lighter frame, the new UMD port, would you buy it now? Umm.... No, those things really don't boost it in my mind, so its a bit cluncky, who carers? But wait! Thats not all! If you add the doubled RAM and the more efficient battery system, would you buy it now?? No, but if devs screw me by making games to support the RAM and mine doesn't run the game for crap, that would really make me an unhappy consumer. I have been shoved around by Sony once already, shelling the money for a PS3 only to find out I could have had the extra 20 gigs and a game for the price I paid. The only bright side is that the HD is replaceable anyways and my PS3 has emotions where as the new ones dont. The fact that Motorstorm is a 5 out of 10 kind of game makes it a bit bearable too. But back to it, what is with the FPS crazy? Its like hey look how cool this guys blood looks, look at the details! Oh yea, well look at this FPS when I shoot his leg it actually falls off! This is rediculious. That is what I saw at E3, FPS left and right. There are only a few FPS games that I like and for the most part they are estabolished series. Medal of Honor, actually I think thats it. Yep thats the only one that I liked. I played more, like Red Faction, Call of Duty, Unreal Tournament. I have Resistance because I had a PS3 and I wanted to play a PS3 game and that was the best of my choices. Don't get me wrong, it is one hell of a game I really enjoyed it. Look at it this way, how much can you deviate the same story. Something is invading/happening to all of the people, you have to shoot them all. Bam thats it! Sure the who, the where, the what, that can all change aside from that the only other things are the music score and the graphics that can change and most of the time you cant tell one FPS from another without some clear identification through the HUD or something. That being said I will get Call of Duty 4 because it looks amazing! Now about the Nintendo business. I have every console they came out with up until now so don't think that I am a "hater" cause I do enjoy a good Smash Bros or Zelda as much as the next guy. There isn't a game that I would consider the game of the platform. I don't like the way they are going, but I am a gamer and they aren't going for the gamer they are going for the non gamer. There fore I respect their base and their originality but I don't support them. In fact, its more like they are trying to get the best of both worlds, they say, "Hey gamer we have Call of Duty too, don't you want to take the FPS to a whole new demension with our amazing Wii-mote?" Then turn around and say, "Hey old, uncoordinated person, don't you want to try this new and fun looking way of playing some simple games, they aren't complicated we promise." You either side with us or against us and you sir have sided against us so don't expect a huge welcome. Sure some will flip for it but the core gamer doesn't care about some fancy Wii-stick, they care about the game and thats all there is too it. So that is all I have to say on them. The MUST HAVE games coming are MGS, GT, and either Rock Band or Guitar Hero III, not both, that would be crazy. I love my Guitar Hero Games and I am looking forward to playing Encore next week, but Rock Band looks exciting too, though I don't really have any friends to play all the other parts they have some good ideas behind their game. I mean it is Harmonix. I hope Guitar Hero can still stand even with them leaving. It jsut isn't a GH game without Harmonix in my opinion but we shall see wont we? Well I am finished

No. XI

Showtime. Retro gaming is the name of today's topic. It is making a comeback with new outlets to tap on all the virtual console equivalents. Which then leads to remakes. Golden Axe anyone? So they are going to remake that game and by that I mean blow the crap out of it with the new tools at their disposal in these advanced times. What other retro games could be re-done? Well lets look at the games that parralleled over the years, all the main boys, sonic, mario, etc. Contra went on for a while I believe. Ninja Gaiden is also in the mix there. But for me, my friends, there is only one game that I want to see remade. No, it isn't final fantasy VII, though I would buy it right up same as you, it is Streets of Rage. That is without a doubt one of the best games ever made for the Genesis and it was probably the game that was in my console for the better part of it's life. (It might still be in there at this very moment.) It was the best co-op games that I owned and my friends and I would play it start to finish millions of times and never get tired of it. I mean think about it, remember how fun it was to throw people off the elevator on level seven? Or how about the crazy boss with the claws who would move freaky fast if you tried to jump and slice you up. Or perhaps you remember the back you could call, a police car shows up and throws a nice ring of fire around the screen or 2P got a nice rain of some kind of bomb thing. For me, I would say that the hardest boss in the game were the twins, I mean, how do you kill them? They were faster then you and could dodge any attack with their back flips. I believe it was the boat level you see them but they make another apperience as you know as personal gaurds to the door to the final boss. Think about that, they wouldn't be the personal gaurds to the final boss if they weren't the hardest things ever to kill. The fact that you couldn't call any police backup on that the final stage also made it hard as crap. How about when the final boss offers you to join him and you say yes and he throws you back to like the fifth stage, LOL. Or, if your friend says yes and you say no and you have to fight each other. Well I could go on about it for days, but that is the nature of the game. So I ask you, why not Streets of Rage. I mean, don't even change anything, just keep the levels, the bosses, everything exactly the same. Upgrade the graphics, and everything, maybe use all the levels from all three games to make it. Hell, you could even make it 3D and it wouldn't bother me. Hold true to the multiplayer aspect. Give me a remake of Streets of Rage and I will be happy for years and years.

No. X

So what have I been up to? I finally and I do mean FINALLY defeated Star Ocean III. Man that game is long, as far as RPG games go. Usually I can beat them in around 60 hours or so but this one took me like 80. Why did it take you long, well you must not have played it. It is just as the review says, it is really easy to be out matched in the game. Since battles are avoidible for the most part, that plays into account in your strategy, but it is so easy to neglect your training. It is often hard to find a good spot to trian, though there are some out there. The worst part for me was the Spiral Tower. I had to keep going back to heal my people and replenish their MP. That is the worst part in the whole game to me. There is no reasy why they couldn't have put a cool healy pad like on Sphere 211. They didn't however, so if you find yourself short on MP you have to go all the way back to the beginning of Spiral Tower, all they way through Firewall, and through Ruins of Mosel or whatever it's called, through the desert and plenty parch path to get to a place to refuel. And I don't even think you can get the best item list from the local shop. So then you have to go back to Peterny or whatever. I even went as far back as to Geminty to get the 50% healing items. All in all though I did enjoy the story line, that whole, your just data thing, that was good. I look forward to the next Star Ocean, I simply love that battle system of free roaming attacking, it is one of the best battle systems I have ever come accross. Now I am moving onto Dragon Quest VIII, A completely different style RPG. So far nothing really impressive but the story is still coming together. Look for my rating on it soon. Till next we meet my friends.

No. IX

    Once more the show rolls out and we are all graced with the ominious yet fleeting pressence of that who creates the Post. Todays topic: PS3 Update 1.80. So in my previous post you may have seen how frustrated I was in trying to play Chrono Cross on my PS3. Well I don't know if others have yelled for the same thing that I yelled for but I have been heard. Freely moving PS/PS2 save files from Hard Drive to Memory Card is now reality. Thank God. I finished Chrono Cross on my PS2 without any complications. Thank you Sony for doing something that should have been done when the freakin' adaptor was originally released. I mean how hard would it have been to stream data to AND from the PS3? Bygons to bygons, the only thing that matters is that I can move my files freely now. On a side note, add GT4 to the list of games to avoid playing on PS3. Freezeing occurs just after you recieve a new car. You can tell it is going to freeze because there won't be any music with the new car. So now my plans are to play Chrono Cross over again so I can give it a proper rating. (My friends wouldn't let me rate it since I had such a miserable expirience playing it.) What else? Segway...........

This year is supposed to be impressive for game releases, where are they at? MGS4 and FFXIII both pushed to '08? Who decided that one? While the list of games to look forward to is still here, the number is decreasing. I have also been wondering where GT5 is. Are they even working on it? Well those questions won't be answered anytime soon I'm sure. Will Gamespot ever let us upload like an excell file, because I have my entire collection all neatly organized in an excell document and I wouldn't mind showing it to people. As far as I know the only thing that you can upload is videos and pictures. Well I have to get back to it so I will part ways with you my friends.

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