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#1 the-wii-gamer
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

I just wanna know who out here in the Wonderful World of TEH INTERWEBZ bought the greatest combo pack since the Orange Box & Mario All-Stars..Metroid Prime Trilogy. And if you want you can post Friend Codes so everyone can trade Friend Vouchers and earn Friend Credits. I can't post my Friend Code right now (TEH IRONYS!) only 'cause I'm far away from my Wii right now. But I'll post it when I get the chance. So type away.

And please keep the flaming and trolling on the down-low.

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#2 the-wii-gamer
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

I pretty much agree with everything you said.

Except the online. The online is pretty bad, when connecting. Once you are on it's good. But it's not even the Wii, it's the companies that make the games.

Such as Modern Warfare Reflex has no loading time when connecting and everything is almost instant. While The Conduit, it takes 5 minutes to connect and enter a game.


Oh Crap guess I forgot to touch up on that. But that's what happens when you're half asleep and typing extremely long posts.

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#3 the-wii-gamer
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

Dude, they did fine with Gamecube, it was still a very profitable system for Nintendo.


They did make a profit off of it. But it only sold 22 mill. units which is small compared to Original Xbox sales and was an amoeba under a microscope compared to the PS2. So it wasn't much of a profit (at least compared to now with the Wii and DS).

Oh and I forgot to mention that I originally posted this on IGN as a response to Matt Cassamina's notorious 'Lazy' article and I realize that I forgot to edit that out. But then again I was tired and didn't notice but it's good to know that people agree with me and thatthe world isn't entirely idiotic.

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#4 the-wii-gamer
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

On Nov. '06 Nintendo realesed the Nintendo Wii. Two generations before this launch Nintendo had hit very hard times. They lost several key 2nd parties such as Rare and Factor 5. The N64 had the best games to offer that generation but failed to suceed because of the uber-rookie PlayStation. After that, the GameCube was thought to be Nintendo's comeback but ended up becoming their greatest mistake. It lost almost all 3rd party support and was labled as a "kiddy system" despite games such as Metroid Prime 1 & 2 and Eternal Darkness. It was the end for Nintendo. If the Wii , their last shot, failed they would become the new SEGA or worst yet....shut down forever. But due to mass marketing and customer curiousity and satisfaction, the Wii became an overnight success. It was so successful that it not only passed NES sales but it made 3rd parties apologize to Nintendo for their actions towords the GameCube. However, even though Ninty got it right with the mass appeal or "casuals" most of their loyal fans fired off at the company for not supporting the "core gamer" and not being "advanced" liked the HD Twins. I've observed these complaints for years now and I believe these complaints are not only abundant and annoying but baseless. My job today is to debunk and [possibly] destroy these complaints.

Now let's start with the most common one:

Complaint #1: Sub-Par Graphics:
So far in the history of gaming no GRAPHICALLY SUPERIOR system has ever dominated the industry. That system (or enhancer) has either come in 2nd place, dead last, or landed in oblivion never to be seen again. Want proof? Here it is:

- The Intellivision and the ColecoVision were better than the Atari 2600 in terms of graphics but could not manage to top the giant that was the 2600.
- The SEGA Master System was slightly superior than its competitor the NES but could not beat the powerhouse due to a severe lack of 3rd Party support. This also applies to the 32X and SEGA CD vs. SNES.
- The Atari Lynx,SEGA Game Gear & Nomad,,Gizmondo,PSP, and a whole lotta other handhelds could not kill the GameBoy line or the DS line due to uncomfortable designs, horrible screens (Even though they soooo advanced), equally horrible battery life, facepalm worthy games, lack of support, high prices, and possible over-saturation.
- The N64 & GameCube were technologically superior than their competitors [the PS1 & 2, Xbox, DreamCast, Saturn] they both failed to win top spot due to: (again) bad 3rd Party support, confusing contoller layout, & limitaions of storage (Cartratiges vs. CDs; MiniDVDs vs. DVDs).
- The Xbox 360 and PS3 is failing to top the underdog behemoth that is the Wii due to: high prices (at one point) & mature demographic (Specifically the online community and games).

Complaint #2: Rehashes, Ports,Shovelware, and Unoriginality:
Now I know the Wii gets alot of these 3 things but that doesn't mean that all of them are bad (with the exception of shovelware). Resident Evil 4 got a reasonable scoreand so did lots of other ports such as Metroid Prime Trilogy. And even if they are a lazy approch, they were still worth every penny. Another thing that I find weird, If NSMBWii is a "rehash" of the DS Original wouldn't Uncharted 2, Left 4 Dead 2, and any other sequal released last year or maybe this year be considered "rehashes". Isn't Uncharted 2 just like Tomb Raider or Indiana Jones? Isn't Left 4 Dead an American Resident Evil? Wouldn't Bayoneta be a sexier DMC? Isn't Guitar Hero and Rock Band DanceDanceRevolutions just without J-Pop songs? As for shovelware, it's everywhere. You cannot avoid it. There was shovelware in the beggining and it is now. So don't act like it's some new thing that just started to appear on Nov. '06. The PS2 had loads of shovelware but no one (as far as I know) started flame wars about it. Now as for Nintendo being unoriginal just think about this: Natal is a rip-off of the EyeToy. The SonyMove is just like they WiiMote. PlayStation Home is a console version of Second Life and 1 vs. 100 on XBL is based off of a canceled primetime TV game show that used to air on NBC: Home of the now-defunct "Jay Leno Show".

Complaint #3: No Surround Sound???
Actually, believe it or not the Wii has Surround Sound cabibilities. The Wii uses Dobly Pro Logic II (the same output that the GameCube and PS2 used). According to Wikipedia:"Dolby Pro Logic is a surround sound processing technology developed by Dolby Laboratories, designed to decode soundtracks encoded with Dolby Surround." In translation, it's an emulator for surround sound.

Complaint #4: Nintendo Abandons The Hardcore?!
IMO there is no such thing as "hardcore" [for gaming]. The "hardcore" of today IMO is comprised of nothing but a bunch of whiny little babies who complain and have fits when they don't get their way. They are exccesively jealous of other people's fortunes and try to crap all over that persons parade as much as possible. Not to mention they contradict themselves in everyway possible and have the personality of a hamster with extreme ADHD. Nintendo didn't REALLY abondon the "hardcore" as everyone says. They just slightly drifted away. The "hardcore" I'm refering to are the abandoners. These are the ex-fans (At least that's what they call themselves). They probablly moved on to better pastures and when they heard that their former homeland was making a comeback they scoffed and were eventually proven wrong. Thus starting a massive, endless flame war. If Ninty really abandoned the "hardcore" then epic games such as Super Mario 64, Ocarina In Time, Metroid Prime 1-3, Eternal Darkness, F-Zero GX, Twilight Princess, MarioKart Wii, NSMBWii and upcoming games like the new Zelda Wii, Pikmin 3, Other M, Sin & Punishment 2 (Which success may determine if other JP Only games come to the States.), & Galaxy 2. So yeah, they REALLY forgot about who matters.:roll:

Complaint #5: Bad Online

Nintendo's online service is now where near as good as PSN or the mega-popular XBL. But if you've played MarioKart Wii online you can tell Ninty is starting to get the idea. So far I've experienced no lags. I've been disconnected before but it was quite rare. And it has been confirmed that Netflix will be on the Wii.

So this concludes my epic rant. Feel free to PM me.

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#6 the-wii-gamer
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

I find it really odd that when these "gamers" say that they had a Wii since launch but only own 1 or 2 games for it. See in the real world, people go to these places called GameStop, Wal-Mart, Target, etc. and they buy these things called....say it with me now.....Video Games!!!! Now, it's not Nintendo's fault that you and your friends lost intresest in the Wii. You probably think theGameCube era was sooooooo much better than the Wii era. Heck, you probably never owned a Wii to begin with andhave orgasims when you see new Halo: Reach videos. And think that Lair is 10x better than Metroid Prime Trilogy and Mario Galaxycombined.And how can you compare a Wii to a Grille. And if you're wondering I have a good sum of games for my Wii and all of them have satisfied my gaming needs. So don't pull percentages out of your bum'cause youcan't handle the Wii.

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#7 the-wii-gamer
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

A "hardcore gamer" (by today's standards) is someone whowhines like a baby when a company doesn't do EXACTLY what they want them to do. They spread their idiocy by using internet forums and put out ironic statements and don't even realize it. And when you prove them wrong they blow a gasket and call you a blind fanboy. They typically say things like :"Luk at teh aewsomes grafix wit t3extrue maping and odder stuffs." or "5hu7 Up, Y0u 57up1d f4n80y. Y0u o8v1ou5ly d0n't kn0w wh47 yur 74lk1n6 4b0u7.". In short, they are a very sad, sad type of people.

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#8 the-wii-gamer
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

-My Wii

-My Xbox 360

-My DS


-Wi-Fi Router

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#9 the-wii-gamer
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

-Any Contra Game

-Sonic 2 (Can't past Metropolis Zone: Act 3)

-Super Metroid (Kraid is such a nuisance)

- Virtually Every Mega Man Game

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#10 the-wii-gamer
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

My favorites:

- Dark Samus (Metroid Prime 2/3)

- Metroid Prime (Metroid Prime [duh!])

That's all I can think of for now.