These Anti-Wii threads are getting old and dusty. Look, I get it you don't like the Wii. But don't go on the Internet and post nonsense like this and pass it off as a fact. Have you ever heard of the word "Subjective"?
the-wii-gamer's forum posts
Here's why:
- Sony & Microsoft's main goal is to capture the "casual" crowd. But they already have a nice comfortable home at Nintendo.
- No "casual" wants to pay $299 (console) + $60 (game) + $150-$200 (Natal/Arc) = $559 instead of $200 (Wii)+ $30-$50 (Game) + $20 (per Wiimote & Nunchuk) = $410 [$149 difference]
- "Casuals" are not interested in the majority of the 360/PS3 library. Face it, no casual wants to play Halo or Uncharted.
- The 2 companies have a long track record for over-charging things. (Ex: 100 friggin' $$$ for an adapter, c'mon.Almost $500 at launch, srsly.)
- They have little to no experience with "casuals".
- The flame wars will raise hell when MSoft & Sony "abandon" their loyal fan base.
- 3rd parties will neglect it's capablilities and release half-baked games like they do on the Wii.
- Only a select few of genres will work well on it. [Can someone please explain to me how I'm 'sposed to move in a 3D enviroment WITHOUT running into my TV.]
But that's my 2 cents. *Wonders why PC manufacturers don't make a Currency button*
I prefer it be no one although I like Nintendo more. I really don't have the energy to watch anyone of the companies to drop out. Microsoft showed me an awesome online experience. Sony prepared me for the gaming world. And Nintendo, created my childhood and still is. So so far, none of them (no matter what blunders they made in the past, present, and eventually the future) are dead to me. The real question is this:
Q: Which group of fanboys should drop out of the race?
A: All of them!!!
[QUOTE="funsohng"]we need a game based on Victorian Eradercoo
What about steam punk.
That was already done with Damnation for the PS3/360. But it floped.....big time.
Holy......Crap....On A Sidewalk!!! I can't wait to get this, Other M, Sin & Punishment and others. And the best part all the games (as far as I know) come out before my B-Day, YESSSSSSS!!!!!
I bought it when it was released way back in August (seems like a long time ago right?). Unfortunately, I haven't gotten very far because of how busy I am with university work. As of right now, I am still on Metroid Prime...I beat Thardus and the last time I played, I was fighting some Chozo ghosts who I couldn't figure out how to kill.
The Chozo ghosts are invincible to all of your weapons except the Power beam and the Super Missile. And if you think it's hard killing them now just wait. There are parts in the game where you have to take on 3 at the same time. Dead Serious. But don't sweat it, it gets easier to kill them once you get the X-Rayvisor. Also, if you hate the Chozo ghosts, in Echoes you're gonna have to take on the Shadow Pirates (which are similar to Chozo ghots except: A) You need the Dark Visor (Beat Chykka) to kill them effectively, B) All your weapons can damage them, & C) They are much, much fiercer.)
P.S: I already beat Prime 1, Echoes, and I'm close to beating Corruption (Which should be easy seeing that I have the original game.)
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