@TrueLink: Regal has been asleep at the wheel during this competition. Maybe they just want to see how it shakes out for AMC first. After seeing MoviePass go down in flames, they might want to see how AMC and Sinemia fare before taking the subscription leap.
@davidfstnyc: If you live near a decent AMC theater, I agree that this is a good value. Sinemia needs to start re-issuing physical payment cards and get rid of "cardless" purchases as soon as possible.
#MeToo is too topical for them not to address it, and Quagmire is the perfect vehicle for telling that story.
Also, if you're really afraid to speak to women for fear of being labeled a harasser, then don't. You were probably saying some pretty creepy stuff in the past anyway.
This article was uninformative and hard to read. Is anyone proofreading the copy before it goes on the web, or does Eddie just hit Submit after tapping out a few paragraphs on his phone?
Other than the "special sauce" quotation, we already knew that AMD was continuing to work on CPUs and GPUs scheduled for release well into the future.
theKSMM's comments