I almost want to get one of these so that in another ten years I can establish my gamer bona fides by saying "Yep, I was so hardcore I even had an nVidia Shield!" One day it'll be the equivalent of having a Lynx or a Power Glove or something.
@Busta Kudos to you for having the skill to keep playing even while you're "taking an extra long deuce." Respect.
But if it's happening enough for you to invest in entertainment options while you're going, you might wanna get that checked out...maybe eat more fiber...
Android-based games work because they're playable on *hardware you already own*, so the cost of getting in the gaming sphere is usually only a few bucks. That proposition goes out the window if you need a dedicated unit to do it.
And given how much griping people did over the cost of the PS Vita, I'm hard pressed to think they're going to pay even more for a system with presumably even less support.
I think Wii U sales will pick up next year after the arrival of the next PlayStation and XBOX. Counterintuitively, I expect the new games made for next generation systems to lift Nintendo's fortunes too.
@Sefrix The Vita is a great piece of kit, undoubtedly the best portable gaming experience I've ever had. Unfortunately, most gamers seems like they want console-quality gaming at smartphone app prices, and those two just don't go together.
So wait...everybody is happy because one of the three major videogame console manufacturers decided *not* to screw over their customer base? Wow, the bar is set really low these days...
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