I'm finding Dragon Age hella generic and hard to get through.... I'm lying to myself saying that I'm taking a break from it to justify the purchase of DD edition but in reality I'm probably never going to play it again.
the_mitch28's forum posts
One of the best games ever made for $5... even if you don't like it you wont regret it. One of those games I think every gamer should have in their collection.
Once when I first started driving I went around a corner and just instinctively started driving on the right side of the road. Thank you Grand Theft Auto.
I don't think that it will be difficult to adapt to Counter-strike. You also play TF2, you just need to get used to it, and learn the maps, weapons....rronqe
The game isn't shallow like TF2 though so it takes a lot longer to learn.
My best suggestion is to play some bots just to get a hang of it, then jump into some GunGame or Death match. Whatever you do stay far away from the cancer that is jail break.
The next DLC seems worthwhile, they'll probably put Dr. Ned on sale when it comes out so that will be the time to get it.
Gaming Consoles are simply more convenient and cheaper. Spending 300 dollars on a system that can play and run games just as good as an 800 dollar rig is awesome. We are in a recession and thanks to consoles people can enjoy great games on a system that are relatively cheaper. I mean PC gaming is being put on the backburner simply because console gaming is much more profitable. If you can convince joe the plumber AKA (casual gamer) AKA one who plays video games like once a week) to spend 300 dollars on a console then your set. Its easier to call a system new tech and the cutting edge games slap a 300 dollar price tag and compare it to a PC and say were cheaper. That apeals to the more casual fanbase. It really just comes down to money sadly. Shuraijuro
You're talking in extremes, there's no reason console and PC gaming can't coexist like it has been all this time. It's not like there are less PC gamers now then there were in the 90's.
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