@PSYCHOV3N0M I felt Sony did it just perfectly. I'd rather have console specs than what console looks like. What games I play are more important than the looks of the box playing that game. I think Sony kept focus on things that matter [mostly] and can do actual Console reveal days/weeks after MS reveal to steal some thunder.
@LinkLuigi Don't worry, you're going through what every game goes through. It is called mid-game-life crisis. You been gaming long enough to miss the "good old days". Sadly, it means you're the gaming equivalent of a cranky "get off my lawn" old man.
@nameaprice @grbolivar Have you been out to a public place lately? "Humanity" is already shrinking. I've seen couples on dates more busy with their smartphones, on Valentine's Day. Got to any club with friends and most of them will be tweeting/texting ones not present and when they show up they start texting ones that didn't. I don't think on-the-go gaming will do any more harm to "humanity".
@haze_blaze @grbolivar @675T And such a drought is not that uncommon in first year of a console release. It helps folks tide over the time till a new console has large enough library of new games. Also, with them trying to cover all genres, there will always be some genres you're not interested in thus limiting your choices further.
@brok There is actual phrase said in game "Castle in the sky", there are Laputa type robotic guardians of an ancient civilization and even Laputa type markings.
@Kornkaos Look at this other way, when MS comes out with all those announcements, Sony has a chance to show the console and reveal the price to be cheaper than MS and thus steal a bit of thunder from MS. Consumers have a short memory. I expect both to be out by holiday season and one that was announced/launched later will be more fresh in memory.
Will games be region locked or not? One key reason for me to go PS3 this gen was that games were not region locked. I pick up games on my travels around the world and never buy any device that region locks media. Only reason why I didn't buy Nintendo 3DS or WiiU even though was interested in them.
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