@m30w_cP of course, pirates would find a way by hacking OnLive servers. But don't you think that is way way WAAAAY tougher to do and achieve than buying the CD/DVD, ripping it and then pirating it all around? A 10 yr old with access to internet can pirate PC games right now. Even Downloading games are open to piracy as the game is present on user's disc. But this way, game is on OnLive's servers. And it is way easier to secure a data center than stop people from all over the world pirating games, don't you agree? I didn't say piracy would stop altogether, but so far, of all ideas, this is the one that will deter piracy the most.
I think most people are missing the most crucial impact of this tech. If this catches on, even a lil bit, there would be more and more games coming to the PC. The tech requirements alone hinder the PC game sales a lot... I know many friends who'd love to play Crysis but can't coz of the upgrade price involved. And the way I see it right now, this will also help curb piracy as you don't need to release the discs/code out into open. Would be really hard to pirate a OnLive Only game, think about it. All in all, if it works out decent enough, gaming industry on the whole will benefit, and by extension, gamers.
js0823: you're right and wrong about harder to code. right because, it's upto sony to come up with roper dev kit that makes it easy for devs to program and leverage full potential. wrong, because, sony does have dev kit in place but it's the devs too lazy to dive into all those extra instruction sets and fully leverage... they can make PS3 version perform better by writing more code.. but too lazy to do it. It's like, your TV can show 100 channels, but you've only programmed 32 of them.
the_requiem's comments