@jyml8582 Eerrrmm... they do that already. My friend pre-ordered Borderlands 2 off PSN and it was pre-loaded and was sitting in his HDD for 2 days before he could unlock it on launch day and play it.
@DaNubianPryns @xolivierx Yeah, folks bring up HDD failures while disc drive failures are more common than HDD. You can replace HDD yourself. BD, not so easily.
@alenth I am one of them. Problem is not just high taxes, but games take too long to ship. Case in point: I had pre-ordered Borderlands 2. But it was delayed by at least a week. I was getting it for about $60 [store vouchers of sort] but why not take the same game for $60 on release day than wait for another week or more?
I'll definitely be using this to buy games I want to play day one. Though for now Pandora has me and don't see playing anything else for rest of year.
@Wisdominsilence @hideoPL I am not doubting that ND will not make that big a leap, but thing is that they haven't made that big leaps between UC1, 2 and 3 as compared to ones between MGS games. ND could potentially be as great as Kojima, but they're not there yet and it is still a long way to go.
@Wisdominsilence @hideoPL Well, Uncharted hasn't been around for as long as MGS. Naughty Dog will reach Kojima level of awesome when folks are anticipating Uncharted 6 as eagerly as they awaited Uncharted3. Naughty Dog hasn't made that big a leap in gameplay between 3 Uncharted games like the MGS has done with each iteration.
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