Does it still suffer from the (early) Minecraft problem where there's no real point to doing anything? I mean, I'm down for digging/mining and exploring, but I need it to be in service of something. The game always looked incredibly aimless and, even with the updates, I know a lot of people who burned out/lost interest every time they moved to a new planet and all the building they'd previously done just kinda got left behind and they had to start all over - or just quickly mine the resources they needed, hit the main interest points, and then rinse and repeat ad infinitum. The update mentions new story elements. Is the story actually any good? Are there cool story beats/goals that are worth working toward, and do they help sustain the desire to keep going? Are there "boss" type encounters, events that you need to build up to? Is there a meaningful endgame event? I kinda feel like I still don't know what the hell this game is. Admittedly, I haven't bothered to really research it, either. I guess I keep waiting for someone to sell me on why I need to play it for myself, to sway me with their passion about the experience, and that just hasn't happened.
When the most visually interesting is a red camo, you know you f**ed up. If Sony wants to keep churning out controllers, they should consider looking at what some of the third party companies are doing with their garbage quality knockoffs. I mean, why not make some translucent smoke buttons, sticks, triggers and slap some LEDs in the thing? TRON that sh*t up. And how about added some graphic accents to those bland colors? That purple controller, if it was a few shades darker, might look dope as hell with some lightning accents. Or how about some metallic flake flames? There are any number of things they could be doing to make these controller pop, but they're just churning out the same boring crap. Meanwhile, you have goobers with 3D printers making vastly more interesting kits for swapping out and/or reshelling the Dualshock 4. How f***ing lazy are you, Sony?
Also, while it's too late for the PS4, what with this generation coming to a close, I wish they'd sell matching consoles to go with the controllers. Either bundled together or sold separately so you could mix and match, if you so desired. Hell, at the very least they should take some sort of informal internet poll to see if people would be interested in something like that. I, for one, am bored with black boxes.
End of the day, though, I think we can all agree that 'rose gold' is a vile abomination of a color. John Oliver described it best when he said it looks like someone vomited a salmon dinner on dirty ballet slippers.
I have to imagine there's a high percentage of crossover between people who waste their lives watching video game streamers and people who consume ungodly amounts of internet porn. Twitch was just giving those people what they want.
$300-350 is probably closer to an appropriate 'mid-range' card for most consumers. Though, sure, I guess when you have the high end sitting at $1300 or so, I suppose $500 is mid-range.
@xhawk27: And I don't understand that, either. I guess if you're the sort of person who tries to collect every console, every iteration, every model, then it makes sense. Or if you haven't bought one of these consoles this generation and it's the limited edition nature that finally hooks you, I could see that. It just seems odd to me that anyone would spend top dollar asking price on a system that's on the verge of being replaced. Buying at a reduced price makes tons of sense to me, but paying full price at this point in a console's lifespan seems mad.
Sony can't honestly be surprised. I mean, once they said the PS5 would be backwards compatible, that pretty much killed the PS4. Sure, there will be a spike around the holidays, assuming there are some really good Black Friday/holiday deals, but it's hard to imagine most people continuing to buy a console that on its way out. Unless they do something crazy, like discontinue the PS4 Slim and drop the Pro down to $199 (or maybe a bundle that comes with The Last of Us Part II for $249). Because, aside from a great deal, there's no reason not to wait and see with the PS5.
When you call it a "John Wick" prequel TV Show, I immediately think, "No, thanks." They're never going to find an actor to play a younger John Wick, because I don't think there's an actor out there that has the same quiet charisma of Keanu Reeves. Even if they did, the poor guy would have to overcome the unavoidable fact that he's not Keanu, and therefore he's not John Wick. As such, they shouldn't have the character anywhere near the show if they can't get Keanu.
Focusing on The Continental, on the other know, I'd watch the hell out of a show with starring roles for Ian McShane and Lance Reddick.
thedarklinglord's comments