I'm still not ready to write this game off entirely, though I know that the game I've created in my mind, the game I want this to be, is easily ten times better than what will be released.
"..since the story takes only 20 hours to complete." When did 'only' 20 hours become not long enough? Not every game needs to be The Witcher III.
I still think Konami made a gross misstep by calling this Metal Gear. To their credit, they put 'survive' in the title, so nobody should be surprised by the sort of game they get if they buy this, but... They should've just used the MGSV engine but slapped the Contra name on this. People might actually be excited for this if it was Contra, because when was Contra game that wasn't total garbage? At the very least, Konami wouldn't catch all this flak from diehard Metal Gear fans and Kojima fanboys.
The show just drags. All those long, lingering, quiet shots of absolute nothing need to stop. It's a show about zombies, not a friggin' Terrence Malick flick. And shoving in prolonged shootouts where nothing happens isn't helping. That's the whole problem with the show: all of the actual events - you know, the plot points that tell the story - of an entire season could be condensed into three or four episodes if they just cut all the pointless filler and cinematic masturbation. I've tried to keep watching, despite the fact that I've come to hate every character in the show because they keep writing them more and more moronic, but all last season and what little I watched of this season, I found I kept checking the clock because I couldn't believe how much nothing was packed into every episode. How can every episode feel like it's three hours long but it doesn't advance the story at all?
At this point, the only thing that'd bring me back to The Walking Dead is Frank Darabont. Give the man whatever he wants and let him try to unf*ck the series, give me one or two really good seasons, then bring it to an end and go out on a high note.
Removing towers is a smart and long overdue change. Halfway through Far Cry 3 I found myself to just running from tower to tower to uncover all the map the game would let me before I continued on this the story or side quests. And that same approach was top priority as soon as I could free roam in FC4.
I really wish Ubisoft had waited another year, maybe two, before going back to Far Cry. Like with every major Ubisoft franchise, I'm feeling seriously fatigued. I love these games, but my enthusiasm is waning for each new release. Even with all the positive word of mouth on Assassin's Creed Origins, I just couldn't play it. I need a break. And that's where I'm at with Far Cry. It might release this year, but I have a feeling I won't pick it up until holiday season 2019 - unless that's another really good, packed to the brim year and there are too many other games I'm more excited to play.
It's Twitter. It's not the appropriate forum to make major announcements or disseminate news to the masses. Unless you're a dipshit like Donald Trump: "Just bombed N Korea. Did it for the lulz. Millions dead w/o a fight. Sad."
It's a tease. It's the suggestion of a system booting up or the beep of a heart monitor showing signs of life. How is that not enough for you people? Personally, I'd rather not hear anything specific until they have a finished build gameplay trailer to show us. You know, a proper reveal.
@NTM23: I wasn't expecting there to be a single player campaign either, and that is what actually piques my interest. I had zero interest in another multiplayer zombie shooter - and I'm one of the few people left who still really loves the zombie genre - but if there's a campaign that could potentially have an interesting story or, at the very least, have a strong atmospheric vibe to it, then I'll give it a chance. And there are moments in the trailer that come across like a sci-fi horror movie that you'd find on HBO or Showtime late at night in the '80s - something that really appeals to me. I just hope it's an actual campaign and not some Ground Zeroes demo-length bummer they tacked on just so they could say it has a single player mode.
I still wish they hadn't put the Metal Gear name on it. I mean, I don't give a damn about Kojima and have no problem with Konami dumping him and continuing the Metal Gear franchise without him, but there's a right way and a wrong way to move the series forward. This is the very much the wrong way. It almost feels like Konami is just trolling Kojima fans, like they're determined to smear feces all over the Metal Gear name and it was either a zombies game or Metal Gear Diva, a rhythm game where you dress up characters from the series in pretty little dresses and make them dance and sing J-pop songs.
I appreciate the ambition behind this, even if it does look like a fan made a MGS meets Dead Rising meets Fortnite mod. The worst part is, after seeing this trailer, I can see the potential for a really interesting game with a genuinely engaging story. I mean, it was never going to be as trippy and completely whack as the insanity that pours out of Kojima's brain, but...there's something intriguing about what I'm seeing/hearing in this trailer. Sadly, I just don't think they're going to nail it. And that's a damn shame.
It's also a shame Konami felt compelled to put the Metal Gear name on this, trying to ride Kojima's coattails and capitalize on the success of MGSV. If they'd just spent more time and money on creating all new art assets, gave it a distinctly different look from MGSV, they could've released this as its own thing. Maybe it wouldn't get the same buzz as something with the Metal Gear name on it, but it also wouldn't be facing the backlash of negativity from people who are all salty over Kojima being pushed out. And, really, those people, the Kult of Kojima, were never going to buy this game, regardless of what it was called. The only reason to keep the Metal Gear name on this would've been if Konami was going to through the fans a bone and bring David Hayter back to voice Snake - or, you know, a very Snake-esque character - who shows up periodically throughout the game. Because that might actually bring back some of those fans.
I doubt I'll buy this at full price, but I'm more interested in checking it out now than I was when they first announced it.
Where Star Wars movies I never wanted and don't give a damn about are concerned, I think I'm saving my money for the Sy Snootles origin story. where she grows up in the seedy, gang-infested slum of some backwater planet with her abusive, alcoholic father and her emotionally distant, overly critical mother, but she has dreams of singing, becoming a star, and we get to see her trials and tribulations as she goes on auditions, deals with space racism, begrudgingly has sex with a producer to get a shot, ends up with a drug habit, falls into doing porn, but then, thanks to a fat, blue elephant man who turns out to be the legendary Max Rebo, she makes her triumphant comeback and lands the gig in Jabba's palace, only to die on his barge when Luke blows it up. So, you know, basically Selena but with aliens.
Man, when they first started doing these PSN Flash Sales there used to be some crazy good deals - primarily on older games. Now? It's like Sony is trying to forget the PS3 and Vita ever existed, because the few months have been abysmal for sales on those platforms. I hardly ever buy digital games - except for on Steam, but that's precisely because the sales on there damn near guarantee you'll always be able to find something no matter what your budget - but I actually own a decent library of titles on PS3 because of these Flash Sales used to be amazing. This is just disappointing as hell, though.
I was actually holding off buying stuff on Steam because I thought maybe there'd be some really good deals on consoles, between the PSN Flash sale, the PlayStation and XBox holidays sales and then the Xbox Countdown sale, but...looks like Steam gets my money this holiday season.
It's good to hear that the community, for the most part, embraces new players, because nothing ruins these sort of games like having someone harangue you for not knowing what you're doing because you're new. Most of us already feel bad that we're almost certainly costing our team the match because we're trying to figure out the nuances of the mechanics, that we're just a liability to the group, without some elitist piece of sh--I mean, an intensely passionate player berating us. I'm more encouraged to give the game a chance sometime in the future.
Kojima was always overrated but Konami releasing this limp, shameless cash grab of a game will only cement the widespread opinion that the company is nothing without Kojima. Konami needed the next Metal Gear game to be something that would have even diehard fans saying, "Man, Kojima must've been holding them back with all his post-modernism weird for the sake of weird bullshit, because this game is freakin' awesome!" This ain't gonna be that game.
thedarklinglord's comments