[QUOTE="cheatymcshifty"]Wow, 2 alt account trolls in one thread within 10 posts...
The ff7 haters amaze me... the ff8 haters dont... though I think that games the 2nd best FF... it's different from other RPG's though... so understandable.
Anyway, the only people who dont at least LIKE ff7 are RPG haters and popular game haters (OMG people think it's good and buy it... pft it must suck... i'm going to go play my game that sold less than 1 million copies because it's different, and hardcore... they remind me of emo's).
Everyone else at least regards ff7 as a good game, and a remake would be great.. I'd love more side quests, .. maybe even a harder difficulty? that would be awesome... though... the fact they turned Cloud to black pisses me off... since they'd do it in a remake.. he made purple cool... that was how cool he was... matrixing him up only hurts the coolness.
Holy christ, how much brain is lacking in that head of yours? FF7 was boring as **** to play. Way to make assumptions too, RPG's are good...FF7 is medicore at best. Just all fanboy love for the game. Popular game hater, sweet, considering I mainly play WC3 and Counter-Strike now-a-days. Didn't realize they weren't popular. Way to make a worthless post that hurts your eyes to read.
[QUOTE="thedarkomen"]You think we can get a proper sequel or remake to Brave Fencer Musashi? Tetsuya Nomura had a hand in the game, and its an amazing experience, and story. It had voice acting, night, day, and week transitions, rain, 3d characters and environments, a great battle system, and an unforgettable adventure, especially the first time you strike the scroll to gain its power, and then when you defeat giant collossi all on the PsOne.
Am I the only one who remembers this game?
I remember having fun with that. I remember marveling over the analog stick when you slide or something in the beginning of the game. A bit kiddy for me at the time I played it, I think, but I'm sure I'd have a blast with it now.Yeah but that's what made it great. The bosses were amazing for their time, I'm surprised no one remembers it as often. Maybe it didn't sell that well.
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