LMAO Home > Xbox Live # of Game Available, most are new and unestablished franchises, and PS3 is only out for 4 months. I don't think it will give xbox a run for its money. I think its going to excede those expectations. Just look at Rachet and come back to me when that comes out.
Dude, it's hyped to heck, a lot of people are going to get it. This is a huge upturn for the MGS series by going on a new console once again, but pushing it to unbelievable limits. We finally get to play Solid Snake through a long campaign! We haven't seen that since MGS1, everyone is hyped.
Dude RE5 and DMC4 will rock like RE4 did. It was multiplat but it is a GREAT game. Kodus to Capcom to increasing their fanbase. I honestly truely see this as good news. This way more exclusive games get more attention, Sony gets the idea to cut some deals with some third parties, Capcom makes more money, and we're all happy. The PS3 will not die, it's an amazing system and I can't wait to see what's next, we haven't lost anything really. DMC4 isn't just on the 360, it's on the PS3 too. This isn't like the n64 era, it's unlike any war. Look to the future and look what games you want even if it is multiplatform. It was bad for Capcom to lie about the exclusivity, but I understand where they came from. DMC4 is never that huge of a hit, and they need money and such for development costs, more power to them. Heck, make a Wii DMC game. The series is great, but it wasn't good enough to warrant exclusivity. It's a good game to become a super exclusive next time, ya know? The series is just starting to build up. People will buy DMC4 and RE5.
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