thedarkomen's forum posts
And here come the lemmings for damage control. X-D[QUOTE="thedarkomen"][QUOTE="Caviglia"]On the contrary, the mood in the UK at least is rather dampened and dreary like the weather. Of course you will have crowds in London but venture elsewhere and indifference prevails. Every newspaper article I read (of which there are few) has the colossal price looming in the background like an omniscient spectre.Caviglia
Pre-suppositions are not healthy.
Not really, when I'm curing cancer at the moment. :3Cows tend to get on here later. They're going to be very hostile when they find out Europe's launch isn't going exactly...well.OceanLeetLink?
On the contrary, the mood in the UK at least is rather dampened and dreary like the weather. Of course you will have crowds in London but venture elsewhere and indifference prevails. Every newspaper article I read (of which there are few) has the colossal price looming in the background like an omniscient spectre.CavigliaAnd here come the lemmings for damage control. X-D
[QUOTE="GARRYTH"]it flops because sony put so many at launch. it funny that you fanboys don't mention it had the most pre-oders on any system there. why buy it on e-bay if A. you already pre-oder it b. they can walk in to a store and fined it. sony put the most systems there in any launch. of coures it is going to fail on e-bay.Magical_Zebra
The first damage control post. Ive been waiting for it. So the PS3 flops because Sony put to many of them out at launch? OMG!!!!! :lol:
I know LOL I'd like to see their excuse in a few months. *months later* "b-but Sony sent out 10 million, b-but they're flopping because they put too many out!"SquareEnix and Sony have always had exclusivity options with each other. But since the PS3 is selling miles below expectations SquareEnix has to find a way to recoup it huge budget. There was an exclusivity deal with Sony for FF13 way before the PS3 was released. No DevPub makes a game the size of FF13 and then finds a console to put it on. slduncanlawThe console is 4 months old and it JUST launched in Europe today. Great logic there buddy. It's selling well.
[QUOTE="dsmccracken"][QUOTE="Alyxm1"]dude ur are totally against the PS3, College hoops is better on the PS3, U ARe judgen all these game via Gamestops reviewing system which is a crap system, this site despises PS3, even though AC4 is better on PS3Alyxm1The AC4 thing is your opinion, and College Hoops.... well, that says it all. Look, I was just pointing out inaccuracy, what has resulted really belongs more in System Wars, wouldn't you say? what? College Hoops is better on PS3, you started this, I was saying at the beginning of this thread, Sony should stop MS from being the ass Yea seriously, Nintendo fans and Sega fans were never this bad. People respected eachothers systems even under these multiplatform conditions. People didn't bash one another because Mortal Kombat became multiplatform. I've seen more 360 fans go on about BS that makes no sense at all. They're worse than the Dreamcast fans just before the Ps2 launched. It's just a game system, show some humility and a little intelligence. The worst part is that there's more of these people who will agree with anything the other person said, even when it isn't true.
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