Says the guy with the Halo avatar. Have you even played the game?Well Resistance was good but i think the Sequal will be a rehash.......though we do know nothing on the game
thedarkomen's forum posts
[QUOTE="DeathWishv1"][QUOTE="grovestreet12"][QUOTE="Nagidar"]LOL, The 360's coffin scored higher than 1/2 the PS3's lineup!KrazyKenKutarag
Oooh now thats ownage.
Agreed. This thread just backfired on the cows :lol:
Cows try to own lemmings, then get owned themselves!
The funny part about that is. That the 360 broke down, has the backwards instructions. You taking the score as a honest account is an ignorant and immature fallacy that you will regret in the next five years when you finally find your face being reconnected with the fist of karma. The score is a joke, and you're sad to take it seriously. Sorry.
Stop it. Everyone knows that Unreal Tournament 3 has the best graphics for the 360 OR the PS3, better then any other upcoming game, and that Crysis looks better then anything else on any system. So Crysis hast the best graphics period, and Unreal Tournament 3 has the best console graphics.Everyone is a strong word. Watch it.
[QUOTE="viper7721"][QUOTE="KeyWii"][QUOTE="rowzzr"]neat pics. but they would obviously look a tad better had they been in the 360teddybone2PS3 is a more powerful system. Why isn't that abundantly clear to some people?
PS3 is a WEAKER system. PS3 has less accessible memory, a less efficient CPU, and a inferior GPU. PS3 is WORSE in every sense.
Actually I had a hardware architecture professor tell me this about a year ago, and I didnt believe him. Now given the graphical quality of the games, it seems that neither machine is more capable than the other, which is amazing given the fact tha 360 was launched a year earlier. Stupid Sony, they should have made the machine more powerful instead of just adding a BR player, which is a nice touch, but graphics are more important in my book than a simple next generation DVD player.
Not that don't believe, but I really don't belive you. First off, if you really had met the professor, he wouldn't just say it, he'd explain why. I think your professor is full of it. Has he even worked or seen the system in person? To everyone else: Wow you 360 fans cannot let this go, you'll scream and whine about your 360 being better till you cry your eyes out. There's another system out there, just deal with it, grow the hell up, and learn some English. You are the worst gamers I've ever seen in my entire life and 18 years as a gamer. You are worst than Sega or Sony or Nintendo or anyone, and you make my country look like a bunch of immature 13 year olds. I hope your 360 breaks on you and someone slaps you upside the head with a wiimote.
[QUOTE="StarFoxCOM"]PS3 probably had a better launch than the 360's (coming from 360 owner) I mean they didn't have many not next gen looking games at launch. Take NBA live 06, NHL 2k6, Quake 4, NBA 2k6, FIFA 06 GUN, Collage Hoops 2k6, While Madden 06 looked good it had missed so many game modes. Same as all of the other sports games. PS3 had a lot of good looking Multi-plats games that were Ports of the nearly full 360 verisons.vidiofreakI dunno man, Call of Duty 2 and Kameo looked incredible. The Ps3 only had Resistance. HAHAHAHA you lost all credibility.
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