[QUOTE="Fadixon"]Awsome lolOld as hell. I refuse to support this game.They went multiplatform, which means they won't be able to make the most out of the system. I might consider it for Resident Evil 5, but Ubisoft DOES NOT deserve our money after bashing the PS3. If they don't like the system, they shouldn't support it. I refuse to buy anything Ubisoft for my PS3, that Assassin's trash isn't going in my system. Why you ask? Well when they demoed it, the AI was acting up, they couldn't even beat their own game, and they even died. What kind of demo do you show like that? Complete trash. I'm sure they'll futz up the PS3 on purpose because "teh teh system is too hard to program." Oh and that open mouthed representative gave away the whole story, that it was just like a matrix thing, where they're trying to find the bloodline to the assassin. Wow, what a really bad twist. I hope it flops, I supported it before, but after Ubi started acting up as if they were the new EA, I don't support them anymore. Maybe Rayman, if they're good, they still make Rayman well.
thedarkomen's forum posts
yet no one cares for it..almost every game you listed sucks..
They all suck so bad they got AA or AAA ratings. HAHAHAHA!!! Is that Uno? HAHAHAHA!
Look let the cows have their little patch of grass to chew on, they really don't have that much to eat. They looked starved; if they want to hype it let em. crazygamer1Off topic much? The game looks like a lot of fun. Naughty Dog has been around a long time. If you weren't there for Crash Bandicoot, then I pity you. That was a fun series.
[QUOTE="beyondgamez"]after halo 3 there will be nothin left for the 360..ps3 will coughin up great games like always..MentatAssassin
Wrong. After Halo3 there will be Halo Wars and the Pso3 will be "coughin" on it's death bed.
HAHAHA wanna make a bet on that "deathbed?"
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