@zyxahn: Series X will most likely be $500 -- at $600, media & the internet would jump all over them, and they can't have any of that nonsense for another 3 years or so. LOL
Funny -- PS3 was $600 14 years ago, and I didn't bat an eyelash. Saw the post about pre-orders on this site, told my boss I needed to run an errand, and drove to the mall.
@Jimminyfixit: I hear you -- I have a PC for development/gaming+ and a X1X, so the main things compelling me to buy either of these consoles at launch are habit and FOMO. If I didn't have the X1X, I would probably be heavily tempted at launch.
@streetshark: I don't think I could disagree with this sentiment more. Games and movies/TV are two (or three) separate arenas. A solid 60 fps with no tearing is a minimum for games. Forgive me, but thirty frames and below is straight trash and a waste of time. Most games running that slow can't even maintain it. You can't even see what the hell is going on with the game in motion and the graphics cannot be appreciated. The 3D effect is largely lost.
TV and video interpolation has progressed massively. Up until 3-4 years ago I would have agreed with you on that front. With the newer TVs, like the LG OLEDs, it is a different story. Yes, for some programs I turn off smoothing and go for the cinematic effect. For some others, it is even hard to notice. Check out John Wick 2 4K disc on an OLED with HDR and interpolation on -- it looks like you are watching through an open window.
@igroku: I didn't have much interested in this game before the leak -- I was pretty indifferent and fine with never playing it. The first game was good, and the story was well put together. The gameplay was nothing new. I felt there were some great choices made in the story, others that were timid, though it was pretty concise. No need for more Ellie and Joel in a sequel.
I didn't read or watch any of the spoilers. The hate and vitriol the leaked info has inspired has piqued my interest, though. My feeling is that at this point, anything in the game that feels like patronage to a certain "agenda" or extreme decision people had an issue with, will only make me laugh. There is virtually no way this isn't a good game.
@Sepewrath: Some games use them as a way to expand the ways in which you play. To explore more features and areas of the game. Take The New Collossus and The New Order -- many of the "achievements" are tied to killing in various ways and using the equipment. Doing so unlocks perks. I play on Steam mostly, so any numeric value has even less importance to me. My Xbox Gamerscore has been in 40-50k range for over a decade.
@just1mohr: Halo: Infinite will look good on the new engine, not like the UE5 demo, though. That wasn't a real game, for one. Secondly, UE5 won't even be in preview for 9-12 months, and the first UE5 engine will be FortNite a year from now.
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